Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] to the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Suppose for the same data the x-variable was a measure of reading ability in fifty 7-year old children , the y-variable a test of spelling ability and the z-variable the response to the same type of test given six months later .
2 The Cabinet did behave as a Cabinet and although I said earlier about the Treasury being forced to disgorge information when the DEA existed , that was n't the case to the same extent in 1976 .
3 While the market as a whole has shrunk over the past five or six years as the generational pattern of collecting and dealing has shifted , it did not see the boom prices of the 1980s and therefore has not experienced the recession to the same degree as some other areas .
4 However , it seems that the effects triggered by repetition must be distinguished from those triggered by reformulation , and it may be interesting to examine the differences between each of the following pairs : A repetition directs the hearer to the same concept and hence the same encyclopedic entry ( for example , the entry for RUN in [ 29 ] .
5 In homogenates from coeliac disease patients who had not been treated peptide concentrations of 10–25 µg/ml failed to increase adenylate cyclase activity consistently , whereas concentrations of 50–200 µg/ml all stimulated the enzyme to the same degree ( Figure ) .
6 However , the majority of MPs expressed their support , pointing out that he had been elected first time to the shadow cabinet , giving him a mandate and the right to the same loyalty which his predecessors , Donald Dewar and Bruce Millan , had received .
7 ‘ There is no neutral algorithm for theory choice , no systematic decision procedure which , properly applied , must lead each individual in the group to the same decision . ’
8 He won the World Welterweight Championship in Boston in August 1915 from Jack Britton and lost the title to the same man eight months later .
9 Trim the lining to the same level as the curtain at the top .
10 I I I do n't want to go down the road to the same extent that they 've done , when they put us into debt by fifty er fifty billion o o o o o o o just on on on one day , but I 'm sure that there is a a strong case to look
11 This would ‘ remove the anomaly whereby even solicitors who do not handle money are required to contribute to the fund to the same extent that more ‘ at risk ’ solicitors do ’ .
12 Smoking is a very ancient art that has been used for hundreds of years to preserve fish and meat , preferred to salting because it does not destroy the natural flavour of the food to the same extent .
13 They did not expand with the audience to the same extent as with a newspaper .
14 In particular it seems that members in the UK are not taking advantage of the scheme to the same extent as members in Northern Ireland or the Republic of Ireland .
15 If at least two of the three physicians assigned the death to the same category , it was taken as the cause , otherwise the cause was classified as ‘ unknown ’ .
16 14.3 If any Party sub-contracts any work under the Project it shall ensure that the Sub-contractor enters into an appropriate confidentiality and restricted use agreement and it shall further ensure that it acquired the right to disclose and sub-license results generated under the sub-contract to the same extent that it can disclose and licence its own results .
17 Before I were yeah , she was on , on war work you see on the hand grenades , that was on the , on the ground floor , of course there were a lot of old cottages er the one at the end , and erm there was something about those oh when , when we did erm er when we did erm locks for the erm hotels there were called , they used to say no they used , there would be about a hundred keys for the guests who clocked in for the er for the hotel and they would each be given a key to the same lock you see , and they used to call those keys to pass , sometimes there was more than a hundred keys to one lock but er wait for the bell or
18 I 'm not arguing about that at all , but the people of Wheatley have a right to the same protection that everybody else has under the planning axe .
19 I write every day to the same girl , but I 'm not insecure , am I ? ’
20 Several elements of the answer come together in the paper by H. van Tilbeurgh and colleagues on page 814 ; this is a sequel to the same group 's report of last year ( Nature 359 , 159–162 ; 1992 ) , discussed in News and Views in the same issue ( page 107 ) .
21 On Jan. 18 the Hungarian government had called for a complete Soviet withdrawal by no later than the end of 1991 [ for Hungarian Defence Minister 's non-committal response to a suggestion to the same effect in December 1989 , see p. 37130 ] .
22 Sensible parents would have chosen a hill station near us , rented a house , and sent us every year to the same school .
23 She had taken it only once before , on a visit to the same club two months earlier .
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