Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] do at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Edgar Wilkinson , the BEA 's Commercial Manager and Ronald Edwards , an LSE economist , played a leading part in the deliberations of the committee , which heard some powerful evidence of the damage done at the peak , particularly by the space heating load , and of the need for restriction by an increased winter price or other means .
2 Tutors will be paid an honorarium for the work done at a rate to be determined annually .
3 Cummins Engines , in Yarm Road , is putting on a special display of the work done at the plant which will include demonstrations of all the vehicles fitted with Cummins Engines .
4 As for the second of those preconditions , whether the act done at the request of the promisor raises an implication of promised remuneration or other return is simply one of the construction of the words of the contract in the circumstances of its making . ’
6 Maynard was 13–1 up after five ends and 18–4 in front after eight , but his opposite number pulled back with two four counts to leave Reading with a job to do at the finish .
7 An act done at the request of the offeror in response to his promise is consideration ; and consideration in its essence is nothing else but response to such a request .
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