Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [vb past] [pron] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The WPBSA 's constitution does not permit player-directors to be paid , but the board voted itself a 50 pence per mile travelling allowance in 1984 and doubled it to £1 per mile this year .
2 He said : ‘ The board gave me a free hand with the retained list and backed me all the way .
3 The vet gave him a strong dose of painkiller , and after waiting in vain for a while to see if the pain eased , she decided to pop back into town to fetch an x-ray machine .
4 The referendum gave him a huge majority : 2773920 votes for and 2452 against the President .
5 It 's time , and the baker brought us a nice treat this morning . ’
6 After take-off , a miracle I might have thought in other circumstances , the stewardess handed me a sickly sweet fruit drink and I tried to peer through the tight lattice of scratch marks on the window at the Andes , at the snow , at the jungle .
7 The two crosses at either end of the roof gave her a brief moment of hope .
8 Round him , she was talkative in order to provoke him into replying , and the attempt made her a habitual confessor , though she would have been amazed if she had been charged with talking about herself all the time .
9 The ensemble gave her a slinky , model-like elegance and made her feel like an actress playing a part … a nightclub scene , probably … instead of her normal self .
10 One set was all they needed from the match but coach Tommy Dowens admitted the defeat left him a little flat in spite of the fact his team clinched the title .
11 So their own minister held a service at the station , and the agent gave them a good dinner cheering them on in Gaelic , at which they wept , and they went on to settle at Moosomin , where they lived happily ever afterwards .
12 The photographer shot the usual roll of pictures ; the President gave me a firm , friendly handshake .
13 Doolin says : ‘ The result gave us a great boost .
14 The city 's site on the Isthmus made her a natural centre for trade , and the aryballos seems to have been created to meet a new need : to bottle scented oils , imported from the East , for re-export east and west .
15 City had not won a League game at Portman Road for 30 years , and had not scored in their last seven visits , but the jinx looked to have come to an end when Gary Flitcroft 's first senior goal for the club gave them a 37th minute lead .
16 The girl flashed us a brilliant smile and took her brightly uniformed efficiency off to deal with another customer , a big American with a broad-brimmed stetson shading his leathery features .
17 The girl gave her a pitying smile .
18 ‘ I 'll give you a hand until the rush dies down and then I thought I 'd get on with the account orders for tomorrow , ’ she said casually , but the girl gave her a strange look , and Folly had a nasty feeling that her voice was n't as fully under control as she had thought .
19 and er he would n't keep out , so , so in the end the caretaker got him a little chair
20 On 8 March 1991 the council sent him a standard form letter in terms reflecting those of sections 64 and 65 .
21 The cop gave me a hard look and moved off .
22 Hickson alleged that while in the police station where he had been taken by P.C. Torney on a charge of having stolen 10&shilling from the pocket of his clothes in a cubicle at the Corporation Swimming Baths , the constable gave him a violent blow to the eye , and followed this up by two blows to the body … he was subsequently acquitted on this charge .
23 After an hour he came to a small roadside inn that stood on the crest of a shallow hill and , twisting in his saddle , he saw that the inn gave him a good view of the road right to the horizon so that he would see any French pursuit long before it represented any danger .
24 One agent in North 's employ remembered being over at CIA headquarters one day when a call came in to him from North , ‘ and everybody in the room gave me a dirty look . ’
25 In fact , the war gave him a new sombreness of attitude to match his stark experience of the " essential problems of life " ; and inevitably this sombreness communicated itself to his continued thinking about the problems of tragedy .
26 To my surprise , the singer gave me a friendly nod before throwing his head back and tackling the last verses .
27 He was a queer fish , but the town gave him a rough ride when they got the chance . ’
28 The prince said he would do so only at the head of an army of 60,000 men ; the parlement pronounced him a contumacious vassal , and sentenced him to loss of the duchy .
29 The Duke gave him a quick , keen look .
30 The abbot gave him a long , penetrating look , and concluded at length : ‘ You are in solemn earnest .
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