Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [prep] the first part " in BNC.

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1 It can be argued that ‘ normalizing ’ the marked English structure is not a good strategy in this instance and that a slightly different but similarly marked Arabic structure ( using a particle such as inna ) would have preserved the prominence given by the writer to the first part of the statement ( Mr Rowland wants ) and still sounded natural in Arabic :
2 ‘ It is plainly in the interests of the more efficient administration of justice that there should be split trials in appropriate cases , as even where the decision on the first part of a split trial is such that there will have to be a second part , it may be desirable that the decision shall be appealed before incurring the possibly unnecessary expense of the second part .
3 On the other hand the second part of the trial may be rendered wholly unnecessary by the decision on the first part .
4 Upon receiving names they fly off into orbit , and return one by one during the course of the first part of the novel to be given ‘ rebirth ’ by Someone .
5 Growth hormone is released into the blood during the first part of sleep , but this is affected by the 24-hour body clock to a small extent only , so that changes in the timing of sleep are followed almost immediately by changes in growth hormone release .
6 The bulk of the first part of this book is devoted to the contractual relationship between the buyer and seller , i.e. the rights and duties between them .
7 The château , together with its gardens , terraces and belvedere , recently restored by the State on the basis of eighteenth-century documents , will provide the setting for the first part of the itinerary , while a new basement building is to accommodate the second stage .
8 The publication of the first part of the Strategic Study of the Profession was followed by widespread consultation with regions and branches .
9 Held , granting the petition , that where the hearing of an action was divided into two parts and there was an appeal to the Court of Appeal of New Zealand after the determination on the first part , justice required that an appeal therefrom to the Privy Council should lie if such an appeal would have lain had all the issues been determined prior to the appeal to the Court of Appeal ; that , accordingly , the judgment of the Court of Appeal deciding the compromise and cancellation issues in the respondents ' favour and dismissing the petitioner 's action was a final judgment for the purposes of rule 2 ( a ) of the New Zealand ( Appeals to the Privy Council ) Order 1910 entitling the petitioner to appeal as of right to the Privy Council ; and that , therefore , the Court of Appeal had erred in refusing to grant the petitioner leave to appeal and the Board in the exercise of its discretion would grant the petitioner special leave to appeal ( post , pp. 6G , 8B , D , F ) .
10 They seem to run more smoothly and quickly together when reading in comparison to the heaviness of the first part .
11 Friday the 13th , Nightmare on Elm Street , Alien , Dead Ringers and all those spine-tinglers we watch as we munch our popcorn are put under the microscope in the first part of Channel 4 's new series Reel Secrets .
12 But England 's funereal approach handed New Zealand the initiative in the first part of the day , with Reeve 's 167-minute 18 leading the retreat to the trenches .
13 By a licence made on 18 February 1974 between the landlord of the first part and Tempest of the second and the second defendant , C.T .
14 Eardisley would have been provided with its station building for the opening of the first part of the line in 1863 .
15 For a start , there is no clear agreement on what it actually means , with some people putting the emphasis on the first part of the oxymoron , and some on the second .
16 But now I see , he wrote ( and Goldberg typed ) , that I must alter the emphasis of the first part .
17 Whereas the emphasis in the first part of the research will be on the interaction between the construction of ideas about marriage and the ideologies and development of the marital agencies , the focus of the second part will narrow into a detailed case study of the activities and development of one organisation , the National Marriage Guidance Council .
18 Durkheim saw the centrality of the prison as largely brought about by the operation of the first part of his first law : prison was a milder penalty than capital and corporal punishments and so became adopted as collective sentiments became more sympathetic to the criminal 's suffering .
19 The trend towards greater leniency for most offenders can be explained by the operation of the first part of Durkheim 's first law , which postulates increasing leniency as collective sentiments become more secular .
20 If we postulate , and we just have , that within un- , sub- or supernatural forces the probability is that the law of probability will not operate as a factor , then we must accept that the probability of the first part will not operate as a factor , in which case the law of probability will operate as a factor within un- , sub- or supernatural forces .
21 That was the subject of the first part of the hon. Gentleman 's question .
22 The answer to the first part of the question is that communication problems can be caused both by the sender and the receiver , but if you are frequently misinterpreted you may need to think about the message and the manner in which it is being transmitted .
23 Mr. Grist : The Hon. Gentleman knows the answer to the first part of his question .
24 Answering the second part , " why ? " depends on the answer to the first part .
25 Thus , during the disorder of the first part of the 1980s , the authorities utilized the 1936 Act procedure to ban many more marches than they had done before : in 1981 alone , there were 42 banning orders , and the figures for the following years were also high : 13 , 9 , and 11 in 1982 , 1983 , and 1984 respectively ( Home Office , 1985b : 23 ) .
26 The very evident tendency of the end of the first part to overshadow the final Sacrificial Dance is one problem he convincingly solved , partly by restraining the former but mainly by injecting an extraordinary degree of ferocity into the fragmented rhythms of the latter .
27 The very evident tendency of the end of the first part to overshadow the final Sacrificial Dance is one problem he very firmly and convincingly solved , partly by restraining the former but mainly by injecting an extraordinary degree of ferocity into the fragmented rhythms of the latter .
28 Erm , we 're coming as it were to the end of the first part of the proceedings , er , but , I 'd like to give a brief thanks to the er , C R group , that 's the Charities Recruitment Group , for the part sponsorship of this A G M Conference .
29 This is the scheme for the first part of my evolving jigsaw , with details of the plants required .
30 Building the cost into the first part of the proceedings , so that the cost was recovered as part of the original action , would hardly be practicable .
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