Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [vb -s] [adv] the same " in BNC.

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1 The computer understands exactly the same by " Get sword .
2 He is no more likely to be provoked into acts of violence , even though he is made the subject of abusive and insulting remarks and conduct , and it is suggested that in this respect the law remains precisely the same .
3 However , the process remains essentially the same .
4 And assistant boss John McVeigh reckons the 24-year-old does just the same job at Broomfield as Rangers ' European Cup hero .
5 When a liquid freezes , the molecular character of its surface is not too greatly changed and the energy of the surface remains much the same although the surface tension is no longer able to change the shape of small particles by rounding them off into drops .
6 In steady conditions this is an entirely fair way to start ; a board starting early through the gate has exactly the same chance of reaching the first mark as the last boat through .
7 Though the account remains essentially the same as in earlier editions , the bibliography has been revised to take account of scholarship down to 1990 .
8 The scheme works much the same as the company 's extended maternity leave scheme .
9 ( Other standards like fruit and ornamental trees will be thicker and the sacking strip will need to be wider and the actual tie bigger , but the principle remains exactly the same . )
10 But the principle remains essentially the same : a mixture of 3-D reality and 2-D illusion coexisting on the 2-D plane of the film 's emulsion and apparently representing some aspect of the 3-D actual world , or some more or less realistic fantasy world .
11 Consequently , the structure looks exactly the same from each and every amino-acid residue .
12 Technically the Flydaway has much the same characteristics as a tram .
13 The injunction performs essentially the same function as an order of prohibition , namely to restrain a person or body from illegal action .
14 The shoe feels exactly the same afterwards , which is the main reason runners want them resoled rather than buying a brand new pair . ’
15 The new sole may have a slightly different tread pattern or width but the shoe remains essentially the same .
16 Such a clause has much the same effect as one which excludes liability for breach and in Anglo-Continental Holidays Ltd v Typaldos Lines ( London ) Ltd [ 1967 ] 2 Lloyd 's Rep 61 Lord Denning MR indicated that he would not be prepared to allow a party to rely on such a clause to change the whole nature of the contract .
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