Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [is] [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 On the contrary , the Prince is created for the subjects .
2 This will ensure that there 's commitment and that the direction is understood for the next year .
3 Eastman Kodak Co 's Japanese unit has had to pay about $20,000 each to those eight new college graduates for reneging on its promise to employ them : the money is to compensate for the psychological damage the last-minute cancellation may have caused them , and provide some of the salary they expected .
4 Frank , who worked for the Coventry-based business for 10 years before retiring on medical grounds , is now disabled and the money is paying for a £2,127 electric wheelchair .
5 Well all I can suggest is the case is adjourned for the week we 'll just have to arrange a solicitor to be here .
6 Our response to tender documents which state that this may be the case is to ask for the detailed information we need to make a liability assessment and that 's not always forthcoming . ’
7 This point may sound very obvious , but it is seen to be crucial when one party to the contract is looking for a way to get out of his contractual obligations and is able to seize upon an ill-defined point .
8 It saves having to re-type the contract if the transaction does not proceed and the contract is required for an alternative proposed buyer .
9 That in turn is simply ( but not uncontroversially ) defined : the buyer is paying for the future flows of cash that the firm is expected to generate , over and above its costs .
10 This is because the housing element within the grant is calculated for the duration of the academic year ( continuous from beginning of autumn term until the end of the academic year ) .
11 Experts say the recession is to blame for the rise in office crime as workers try to top up their income .
12 Situated in Guangzhou ( formerly Canton ) , the Chinese university already has strong links with the Silsoe Research Institute in Bedfordshire and a staff member of the university is studying for a postgraduate degree in the Department of Agricultural Chemistry at Queen 's .
13 The University is budgeting for a deficit in 1992–3 leading to an accumulated deficit at the end of the year of £3.7m , having decided that the general financial outlook was sufficiently encouraging for it not to delay allocating funds towards the backlog of long-term maintenance ( see para. 3.8 above ) ; it believes that there will be a small but steady growth in student numbers , and that changes in the HEFCE 's method of distributing funds for research will benefit it .
14 The building is administered for the Charity Commissioners by a Board of Trustees , all resident in Rawcliffe .
15 The user is asked for the root package name and the version number for the Package Structure Listing .
16 Only we are behaving as if it 's nothing to do with us and that only the West is to blame for the thousands who turn their back on us . ’
17 Ah , yes , she 's under notice to move out , is n't she , as the cottage is needed for a new keeper .
18 The play is written for a Hertfordshire accent or similar and then you know I enclose and I say return if you do n't like it .
19 The course is recognized for the purposes of exemption by the main professional accounting bodies .
20 The Association is paying for the work , expected to cost in the region of £5,500 ( $9,600 ) from donations worldwide and has also launched an appeal for funds to restore the whole altar .
21 It is a struggle Ellen and no mistake and though I have been thrifty as mother brought us all up to be and the rent is paid for the next year I am hard put to pay wages and still eat and keep warm .
22 Dividends , which are what the shareholder is paid for the use of his money , are recommended by the directors and authorized by the annual general meeting of shareholders .
23 Dividends , which are what the shareholder is paid for the use of his money , are recommended by the directors and authorized by the annual general meeting of shareholders .
24 If the answer turns out to be by a ‘ dock identification ’ ( i.e. the witness is identified for the first time in court ) then it must be remembered that this procedure is potentially so unfair to the accused that the court of trial retains a discretion to prevent it ( Horsham JJ. , ex p .
25 The President is elected for a five-year term by universal adult suffrage ; Moi was returned for a third five-year term in February 1988 [ see p. 36137 ] without recourse to the electorate , having been proposed as sole candidate by KANU .
26 The President is elected for a five-year term by popular vote .
27 The President is elected for a five-year term by a 1,000-member People 's Consultative Assembly ( Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat ) , described in the Constitution as the embodiment of the whole Indonesian people .
28 The President is elected for a five-year term by universal adult suffrage ; Daniel arap Moi was returned for a third five-year term as President in February 1988 [ see p. 36137 ] without recourse to the electorate , having been proposed as sole candidate by the Kenya African National Union ( KANU ) , the sole legal party .
29 The President is elected for a five-year term by the 1,000-member People 's Consultative Assembly ( Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat — MPR ) .
30 A life assurance contract is designed to give the best return if the investment is maintained for the full term .
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