Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [to-vb] [pers pn] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sir Philip Egerton having been kind enough to give me a Frank I embrace the opportunity to send you some account of Mr. Gould and his movements , presuming that as you expressed a wish to hear of him from time to time , a letter on this subject might not be devoid of interest .
2 Local authorities are to be given the leading role in the organisation of community care , but the decision to give them this responsibility was taken with the greatest possible reluctance and only after every other possibility had been explored .
3 Indeed , there must be serious doubts about the decision to hold them this year .
4 The singer was following an old tradition of adapting the ceremony to give it contemporary relevance , adding to the festival 's famous ‘ four questions ’ about the meaning of Passover a new and troubling one .
5 Our Viewdata system features a ‘ Search ’ facility to enable the agent to show you last minute availability and prices .
6 A new Quality Performance system was set up for the person rowing the boat to give him more incentive to work harder and become a key performer .
7 panel seeks to make that two million pounds , subject to the appropriate level of grants and borrow approvals and perhaps some assistance from within our own resources and elsewhere being budget , this is a , a firm intention to increase that figure , but we can not say it has been increased yet , to do so will be premature , but that I ask the committee to accept it this morning as a recommendation from the
8 A little while later , Hugo left his friends and went upstairs to the room to take her some food and drink .
9 I should mention that if for any reason we did not go ahead or had to withdraw from publication , we reserve the right to give you adequate notice of our intention .
10 I should mention that if , for any reason , we did not go ahead or had to withdraw from publication , we reserve the right to give you adequate notice of our intention .
11 I should mention that if , for any reason , we did not go ahead or had to withdraw from publication , we reserve the right to give you adequate notice of our intention .
12 ‘ You 're not going to believe this , ’ said Alex , ‘ but I actually picked up the phone to call you this morning , except I realized it would have been the middle of the night your end so I put it down again . ’
13 In recent years there has been an improvement in the standard and a number of top athletes have appeared at the event to earn it some respectability .
14 ‘ Well , if you must know , that I 'm just waiting and hoping for the chance to marry you some day . ’
15 ‘ Yes , ’ I said , looking round for the waitress to give us more coffee , ‘ I still hate vomit .
16 The Government must now seek ways of strengthening the Union to ensure it continuing vitality , while showing appropriate sensitivity to the nationalistic sentiments stirred up by this election .
17 We would love to put out title on the line , if the IRB had the guts and the vision to give us that chance .
18 Unfortunately I am completely tied up with filming during the whole of June but I will certainly make the effort to visit you some time in July .
19 ‘ So you are saying plainly , ’ said Earl Robert , attentive and still , ‘ that there were two murderers , at least in intent , and this wretched brother , once he knew he had struck down the wrong man , had no reason in the world to wish him further harm . ’
20 Thousands of babies are born with some form of birth defect and most have immediately to go into incubators with doctors and nurses having to work round the clock to give them intensive care .
21 This year when June Bascome is taking advantage of this generous offer , she will be accompanied by Hilary ; as Jochen has very kindly extended the invitation to include her this time .
22 The women of Britain — the women in the work force and those who want to be in the work force — will not look to the Minister to offer them any hope of liberation or any hope of a better future .
23 No wonder he had never allowed the spotlight to catch him full face .
24 So please keep our friendship as strong as ever , though I am losing the power to give it outward expression .
25 But as you said if it is your responsibility you 'll have to do it all yourself , there are lots of resources and lots of other people who can actually help you out who have the knowledge and you can use because you can use it as a development tool ca n't you for some of your members of the section to give them some training expertise .
26 In a major survey of special needs provision in middle and secondary schools , Clunies-Ross and Wimhurst ( 1983 ) showed that children with special needs were most often withdrawn from science and modern languages in order to find the time to give them extra help with literacy .
27 Looking back on that visit , as I sometimes do , I find it difficult to reconcile the warm , charming and amusing hostess who spared the time to entertain us that day with the latter-day basso profundo screecher of the House of Commons and the earnest , ingratiating gusher of numerous television interviews ( performances which make me dream wistfully of the old saw , ‘ In the ideal society politics should be as unobtrusive as drains ’ ) .
28 Somewhat reluctantly he lifted the phone , and asked the operator to get him Assistant Commissioner Seddon at New Scotland Yard .
29 After the lecture there were tea and refreshments and it was not until fairly late that I rang Emily just to say Hello , and how sorry I was to be too busy to get over to the house to see her this trip .
30 The Sandinistas may also use the visit to discuss US foreign policy in Central America , and the question of whether improved Soviet-US relations could lead to a lifting of the US economic embargo on Nicaragua .
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