Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [to-vb] [art] few [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The occasion was the annual dinner of the Corporation of London 's planning and Communication Committee at the Mansion House , when Charles seized the opportunity to say a few words about the plans for the redevelopment of Paternoster Square .
2 I am glad of the opportunity to offer a few words of introduction to this , our latest prospectus .
3 Well , I can report on that front that we have been offered the opportunity to secure a few locomotives ( one has already been given to us ) , and a number of pieces of rolling stock .
4 I am grateful for the opportunity to make a few points about the environment .
5 Dustin , who had arrived with Anne , three-month-old Jennifer , and a nanny , played the piano or sang dirty songs to a guitar accompaniment in the hotel lounge in the evenings and , on one occasion , went into the kitchen to gather a few pots and pans to use as bongo drums in order to entertain his colleagues .
6 Keep the rudder where it is and allow the speed to increase a few knots so that both you and the student can observe the exact position of the rudder pedals .
7 On a warm day , the instructions said , it would be sufficient for the horseman to place a few drops on his perspiring forehead to call his horses from a fair distance without saying a word , or making any sound .
8 Most impressive was a demonstration of real-time speech to text , where Digital Equipment Corp 's chief tempted fate by getting the machine to translate a few words .
9 Most impressive was a demonstration of real-time speech to text , where Digital Equipment Corp 's chief tempted fate by getting the machine to translate a few words .
10 And then of course , when she came into the village to buy the few things they need — it is astonishing how modest Mr Swinton 's needs seem to be , she hardly buys any comforts at all but I gather his man is an excellent gardener and they keep a pig for bacon — ’
11 You might think that the doctor 's waiting room is just the place to crack a few gags .
12 ’ And the chance to flatten a few Gharrgoyles . ’
13 Then there is the chance to repeat a few words :
14 Ever-enterprising chairman Reg Burr , sensing the chance to make a few bob out of the wave of sentimentality which has greeted the old stadium 's demise , contacted local auctioneers , who will be putting some Den memorabilia under the hammer next Wednesday .
15 Gives me the chance to get a few things done . ’
16 Outside the Bank of England he put the bag on the ground to have a few moments rest .
17 JOHN WARD was appointed manager of York City on Guy Fawkes ' night last year with the brief to produce a few fireworks on the pitch at Bootham Crescent .
18 It 's nice in the studio to have a few things here and there , but live , that 's what it hangs on . ’
19 It has become the fashion to make a few comments about the Sessional Orders , which is very useful .
20 He spotted her immediately and strolled across , stopping on the way to have a few words with the patron .
21 He stopped at the Palace to collect a few things .
22 A popular image of the social researcher is of a figure armed with a clipboard who approaches you in the street , and asks if you have the time to answer a few questions .
23 It may also have the effect of precluding those members who can not find the time to attend a few workshops and may therefore strengthen management committees and their bureaux in the long run .
24 The idea that a runner can win more by not trying too hard is not likely to be well received in the hard-bitten commercial world of sports retailing , but if the winter miles are currently very wearisome and every race is a struggle to gain a few seconds , you might try leaving your watch off at a race or two and see if the Zarei approach puts a bit of the enjoyment back into running .
25 Merson is controlling his diet and craving for fast-food in a bid to lose a few pounds excess weight , but spoke out yesterday to nail the lies that he has had a bust-up with George Graham over the battle of the bulge .
26 ‘ If they do want something that costs extra , there 's always a way to make a few pennies .
27 The following summary of ideas on stress placement in nouns , verbs and adjectives is an attempt to present a few rules in the simplest possible form .
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