Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [v-ing] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This was the contention that the court ought not to entertain the action ‘ because to do so would be detrimental to national security ’ , the defence referring to the long-established practice of Secretaries of State not to disclose or discuss the existence of a warrant .
2 Thus , the income arising to the overseas trustees ( whether actual or deemed ) may avoid a tax charge under general principles but on the other hand may result in the settlor or beneficiaries in an appropriate case being assessed under TA 1988 , s739 or under TA 1988 , s740 .
3 The settlor , when creating an overseas settlement must make certain that he does not come within any of the provisions of TA 1988 , Part XV , Chapters I — IV if he wishes to avoid tax on the income arising to the overseas settlement .
4 Delaney moved forward , keeping to the side of the superstructure , intent on the stairway leading to the next deck , and finally the bridge .
5 Held , allowing the appeal , that once an order was made under section 31 of the Children Act 1989 placing a child in the care of a local authority , responsibility for the care of the child was firmly with the local authority and the family proceedings court could not retain a power of review over the care order by including directions ; and that , accordingly , the direction relating to the continued involvement of the guardian ad litem would be deleted ( post , p. 812B , G ) .
6 Her memory of the room had been of a dingy , barrack-like hall with fine plaster swags , marred by the fact that chunks of them had been missing , and they , and the room , not improved by having been painted in a weird mixture of colour : purple , pink , green , ochre , rather like the bike belonging to the old man on the S-Bahn .
7 If you want to just check the bank account cos we do n't want the we do n't want the money going to the wrong
8 Note also an error in the text relating to the last set of transactions which should relate to l months 8 to 12 , not 6 to 12 as shown in the text .
9 Stella stood in the middle of the field talking to the only chap properly attired in shorts and jersey .
10 There is a small shop flanked by brick cottages with pantiled roofs , and round the corner near the lane leading to the neighbouring hamlet of Uncleby is the now disused blacksmith 's forge , once so busy in the days of working horses .
11 Sweezy resolved this problem by the introduction of further algebraic notations which distinguished between unproductive consumption of the level pertaining to the previous production period and that which is additional , new , unproductive consumption .
12 Down an almost impassable dirt track near McLaughlin , South Dakota , he found , with the help of an Indian hitchhiker called Jim Yellow Earring , the site of the cabin belonging to the famous Sioux chief , Sitting Bull .
13 To see more just press the key corresponding to the highlighted letter .
14 The two provincial elections took place against a background of public opinion polls showing PCP federal Prime Minister Brian Mulroney 's standing with the electorate dropping to the lowest for any prime minister in the history of Canadian opinion polling .
15 After a voir dire the judge admitted the oral admissions but excluded the written confession , because ( a ) the breaches of C 11.5 and 11.6 were relatively trivial ; ( b ) it would have been impracticable to have a contemporaneous note of the conversation and there was therefore no breach of C 11.3(b) ( ii ) ; ( c ) Findlay was shown the notes as recorded in the custody record and there was no need to record the refusal in the pocket book as well ; ( d ) there was a serious breach of section 58 and Code C 6.3 in ordering Findlay to be kept incommunicado without sufficient reason and therefore although the interview leading to the written confession was itself fairly conducted the confession would be excluded .
16 She paused in the doorway leading to the grey corridor that ran across the back of the house .
17 In part he is swayed by fear of his fate at the hands of the enraged seamen : in part he is driven by an awakening of conscience as painful as the circulation returning to the frozen body of Thomas Fox when he is brought down from the masthead .
18 ( b ) The duty of a criminal judge is not to determine the degree of moral responsibility of a delinquent but his material guilt or physical responsibility , and this once proven , to fix the form of social preservation best suited to the defendant according to the anthropological category to which he belongs .
19 This can be done by apply the formulae of Chapter 6 or , directly , by noting that replacing x 2 + σ 2 = 7 with x 2 + σ 2 = 3 can be effected by replacing σ 2 with σ 2 + 4 , so that the equation corresponding to the first row : becomes which is equivalent to replacing the RHS with 4 .
20 Some magnetic mounts could be done in order to fully utilise all available units but with a larger proportion of the work going to the faster unit .
21 Extensive searches revealed a series of tyre marks along the fairway leading to the 15th and there are fears that Sir Vivien , reputed to be one of the seventeen richest men in the country , may have been kidnapped and held to ransom . ’
22 Where all the claimants are before the court under section 8 , then the relief granted is to be ‘ such as to avoid double liability of the wrongdoer , ’ which presumably means that the court is to apportion the damages representing the value of the chattel according to the respective interests of the claimants .
23 This comprises a shower room and WC , a dry-goods store , a larder , the passage leading to the third bedroom and the kitchen .
24 In the UK it will only be used under the law according to the 1967 Abortion Act , so no one will be able to get it over the counter at the chemist 's , nor will it be prescribed by GPs .
25 It has led to changes in the law relating to the continued confinement of restricted mental patients ; the release of discretionary life sentence prisoners ; , and regulations on the marriage of prisoners , their correspondence , and access to lawyers .
26 The general qualities of those appointed as judges , chairmen or lay members of tribunals , are considered more important than a detailed knowledge of the law relating to the particular types of dispute likely to be considered by those persons .
27 Note that the law relating to the last of these excuses , concerning distance to school from home and transport arrangements , has been amended following the decision of the House of Lords in Rogers v Essex County Council ( 1986 ) .
28 In a joint report in 1987 , the Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission proposed changes in the law relating to the implied terms .
29 In a message to UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali the committee according to the Middle East News Agency on April 9 forwarded a message from Libya : the Libyan authorities would not object to the two men placing themselves at the disposal , via the Arab League , of the UN Secretary-General .
30 If primogeniture involves the wealth passing to the eldest child , then the process of concentration is intensified , since some heiresses marry heirs .
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