Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [be] [to-vb] at the " in BNC.

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1 AFTER 65 years , the gavel is to fall at the London Auction Mart for the final time .
2 The key was to act at the moment when conditions were most conducive to the course upon which de Gaulle had decided .
3 The next phase of the study was to look at the quality of these ponds in terms of the numbers of species of animals and plants they support , the water chemistry and the surrounding land use of each pond or loch .
4 Engineers from the DoT are to look at the southbound-only A1(M) and A66(M) interchange near the town to see if it can be adapted for northbound traffic .
5 I mean the foyer when you come in to the building when the place was refurbished that was that we got the consultant 's to look at the into the foyer and what you see as you come into the building is the recommendations of those consultants were talking about having a red foyer making it inviting and friendly that was their recommendation which was adopted .
6 The object is to look at the growth experience of the United Kingdom over the last 80 years or so as a whole — which strangely enough has not yet been examined .
7 The secret 's to start at the bottom and work up .
8 it is really very difficult to stick to a principle when the form of capital can be changed about in the many forms that modern complex conditions will allow … the thing is to look at the spirit which initiates these particular forms of thrift on the part of people .
9 Many see the Basquiat retrospective as a referendum on the Whitney Museum 's curatorial standards , but just a month before the show was to open at the Whitney , a New York weekly reported that the museum had sought to fire Richard Marshall , the show 's curator , who had spent years preparing the project with Gerard Basquiat and the Robert Miller Gallery .
10 One way of attempting to assess the situation is to look at the list of unfair terms set out in the annex to the Directive , and decide the extent to which English law will already control such clauses .
11 You control the gun sights movement with your mouse and the idea is to aim at the moving targets using your mouse button to shoot .
12 Well I 've er turned the tape over after side one , which was my first lesson and I 'm now doing side two , which is this lesson and the idea is to look at the s way in which language is used .
13 What I used to do with a youngster was to knock at the door and his mother would say , ‘ Oh , God , what have you done ? ’
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