Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [pron] have [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 In the struggle I had lost a scarf I valued but never went back for it .
2 In the afternoon we have to draw a design .
3 In the afternoon he 'd attended a funeral , or just accidentally witnessed one , hanging back , rather , in the mournerless churchyard , where the graves were flush with the earth .
4 ‘ It is almost certainly the case you have to do a little bit extra because you are female but you do n't have to prove you are twice as good . ’
5 But the little dog I went , I took a friend to collect her little dog from the vet it 's had a double hernia , has n't it , double hernia , it , it had a tremendous operation dear little thing , but she said he had a wart under he 's eye and on it 's own accord it dried up and dropped off .
6 We always went out in twos and threes , for obvious reasons , but all the same by the time we were approaching the field we had collected a following of about a dozen .
7 Within the hour he had joined a company of infantrymen from the 26th Regiment at Kahlenbergerdorf .
8 Down the Boarman they 've had a three , three offers of Hamper Agency for next year .
9 If there is a name signed inside the card you 've got a ninety per cent chance of , its a hoax , no one signs their name in front of a card .
10 Pérez promised , however , to promote closer co-operation with the DEA which had opened a branch office in the western city of Maracaibo , but maintained a smaller presence there than in neighbouring countries .
11 It was a tragedy for Everton because the concentration which had hallmarked a disciplined defensive performance , lapsed for one fatal moment .
12 As a result of the review we have established a new senior management team headed by Liam Swords as Chief Executive .
13 Flexibility of approach is important to survival and the practice which has adopted a ‘ managed ’ structure will be best placed to appreciate the changing environment , adapt to it as necessary and implement the changes within the practice .
14 Things had been near perfect at that stage , and they 'd gone for a drink later , with Amanda chatting up the barman who had seemed a nice shy boy , if a bit quiet for the job .
15 The Escort has been one of Britain 's top-sellers for many years and having tested various examples of the latest in the range I have to give a curate 's egg verdict .
16 But it 's either her or the caretaker who 've taken a lot of stuff out of my place : radio cassette , bedside radio , camera , alarm clock , my son 's chair and table .
17 To start the exchange we have to suggest a list of possible topics , but we also feel confident that we could should be able to lecture on any topic , any scientific topic , to , for instance , third form children certainly .
18 If you are the guard you have to wear a blindfold because you are armed with a laser torch which is so powerful that it would blind you if you could see it .
19 If that sounds confusing , it can be illustrated simply ; the singular number of the English noun is unmarked with respect to the plural , since the singular form is basic and to make the plural you have to add a suffix .
20 Yes , yes , now that group have come into me and two weeks after they 've worn the hairpiece they 've got a job after two and half years of not finding work , so what do you say to that ?
21 Meredith thought it was the smile of the cat who 'd found a whole vat of cream .
22 They tied Maxim to a wooden chair -just like the scene they 'd watched a dozen times at the cinema — in the loading bay of a deserted warehouse .
23 Never mind you can play the Bare Naked Lady thingummybobs and er then hopefully we go oh he 's in the shop he 's had a few customers we 'll get back to John a bit later .
24 In the process they 've lost a certain edge , for at the end The Cateran had the rage and the fury of a band at its peak falling apart .
25 In the process they 've lost a certain edge , for at the end The Cateran had the rage and the fury of a band at its peak falling apart .
26 In the process she had made a lightning circumnavigation of the British Isles and was now steaming hard down the west coast while we returned by the eastern route .
27 And in the process she has developed a character who is a real Valentine card .
28 At the moment you 've made a very dull morning very interesting and I 'm grateful to you . ’
29 Now erm at the moment I 've got a lot to fit in
30 With the diving you 've got a few decisions to make — some things to avoid , some personal choice — and it 's worth getting it right .
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