Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 In Scale 2 Hilton talks of his understanding of the dynamic nature of God 's love working in man : The goal of contemplative life is to see this , a seeing which is a felt understanding of love , and Hilton accounts for the curious process by which a person grows towards this state as the interaction between the being of God — unformed love in which all men participate — and the response enabled by God to this dynamic potential at the heart of their being — love formed .
2 Of course , the response varied from council to council .
3 The base split from side to side but fortunately the water only seeped out .
4 The Zahringer Dukes extended the castle from 1127 onward , and it is one of Switzerland 's earliest brick buildings ; the town alongside it on the ridge grew in proportion to its strategic importance and was in fact incorporated in the walled defences by the Kyburg dynasty which followed the Zahringers .
5 the coverage given by expansion to the 1st level ( definition ) ;
6 ’ 1st Level ’ refers to the coverage given by expansion to the first level , expressed as a percentage ( as described above ) .
7 ’ 2nd Level ’ refers to the coverage given by expansion to the second level , also expressed as a percentage .
8 We can just as readily conclude that there is just one type of latent inhibition ; that the change induced by exposure to the stimulus always tends to dissipate during the exposure — test interval ; and that the size of the interval required for such a loss of latent inhibition to become apparent grows longer as the strength of the effect induced by the initial exposure phase is increased .
9 The support given by knitters to the events which are organised is very good .
10 That number , which is almost half of Hillingdon 's secondary schools , is both a testament to the support shown by Hillingdon to GM status and a rebuke to those local education authorities that remain hostile to the policy .
11 Orders then snowballed and when the world 's first public railway opened in 1825 , William Jnr was one of six Stockton and Darlington Railway directors taking part in the trial run from Shildon to Darlington .
12 The Court of Appeal refused to cut the award made in February to Radojka Gojkovic , 49 , in the Family Division of the High Court .
13 The ordinary disciplinary rules and procedures which the Board applies in relation to its employees will apply in relation to you .
14 In both cases the money went for tickets to fund-raising parties organised for Mr Takeshita .
15 If the money falls in law to be repaid , a direct order for its repayment is more appropriate than a declaration that it should repay it or an order setting aside a refusal to be repaid .
16 The money raised from subscription to the new service , will be used to recoup the £140,000 that was spent developing it .
17 The money raised from subscription to the new service , will be used to recoup the £140,000 that was spent developing it .
18 On a summons issued by solicitors for the interim government of Somalia , the Republic of Somalia was substituted as the plaintiff in the proceedings and directions were given for payment out of the money paid into court to the solicitors instructed by the interim government , unless cause was shown why it should not be so paid out .
19 Hence , local authorities have to deal with a number of different central government departments , but the extent to which this is the case varies from issue to issue .
20 There was no discretion to allow the case to proceed by transfer to the county court .
21 The case went on appeal to the Employment Appeal Tribunal and eventually to the Court of Appeal .
22 ‘ In my judgment the interests of the children are now to be taken into account and to be considered in relation to all the circumstances of the case including in relation to the general desirability that children wrongfully removed from their place of habitual residence should be returned .
23 ‘ In my judgment the interests of the children are now to be taken into account and to be considered in relation to all the circumstances of the case including in relation to the general desirability that children wrongfully removed from their place of habitual residence should be returned .
24 ‘ The court 's general inherent power is always available to fill gaps or to supplement the powers of the local authority : what it will not do ( except by way of judicial review where appropriate ) is to supervise the exercise of discretion within the field committed by statute to the local authority .
25 This process seems to occur in much the same way as a plan position indicator in a radar system monitors the movement of targets recorded on the radar sets by reference to the stable map of the background locality .
26 Mountain View , California-based Network Computing Devices Inc has been chosen to supply the X terminals for the US Department of Defence 's Joint Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support system as part of the contract awarded in December to Computer Sciences Corp : it will supply 13,000 colour and monochrome X-stations worth $30m .
27 The chairman qualifies for election to the Physical Sciences Board as an official member , and , if elected , is a member of the General Purposes Committee of that board .
28 Indeed , the conscious mind is not employed when the Christian prays in tongues to the Lord ( I Cor. 14:14 ) .
29 WW346 was used for crew training , also for transporting groundcrew and spares , including engines , when the Squadron went on detachment to Malta , three aircraft out of the four were grounded all at the same time , because of engine problems .
30 The decision came in response to an acute fuel shortage which worsened during December .
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