Example sentences of "[art] [adj] be [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Such stresses are therefore called Piola-Kirchhoff stresses and , denoting such a stress by the symbols ( the upper case K reminds us that the normal is referred to the undeformed state , while the lower case j refers to the deformed state ) we have the relation where J is the Jacobian , defined earlier ( p. 15 ) , J = det .
2 Some groups of the dissatisfied were influenced by the Manichaean teachings which came from the east of Europe after the Second Crusade ( 1147 ) and were transmitted along the trade routes to the towns of north Germany and Lombardy .
3 There were several types of plan used for villas , and the grandest were made in the form of an open square with the buildings forming four sides of an open courtyard .
4 A long search ensued for similar formulae in terms of radicals ( that is , formulae involving unc and the coefficients of the given equation ) for the roots of equations of higher degree , but none appeared until the 16th Century when a formula for the cubic was found by the Italian Niccolo Fontana ( more commonly known as Tartaglia , " the stammerer " , because of a speech impediment brought about by injury in childhood ) .
5 Whilst coffins of this type were produced for vault and brick-lined shaft deposit they were also required for intramural earth-cut graves ; one such example from the 1820s was discovered during the excavations at St Mary 's Church , Little Ilford , Essex in 1984 .
6 The possible is dictated by the limits of men 's tolerance .
7 A separate agreement between the eleven is annexed to the Treaty .
8 They 've invested the that 's found along the path .
9 I 'd read about , I read erm read in erm some paper or other not so very long ago , about erm a funeral and the that was going along the road of course , and they came to a to a erm hotel and they were och , they were going for miles and miles and miles and they went into this hotel and the they party the funeral party went into the hotel and had a good few drinks and they were well away when they came out and they they they went away without the coffin , for two miles , two miles before they discovered that they did n't have the coffin .
10 The wounded were treated by the Commando 's calm Irish doctor , Captain Sam Corry RAMC , who remained unruffled by the turmoil , and the casualties were sent out to the ships .
11 Doctors who tried to help the wounded were caught in the crossfire , and in some places ambulances also came under attack .
12 As the stent is left in the distal part of the CBD , a future hepaticojejunostomy or choledochoduodenostomy still remains possible as was shown in one of our patients .
13 ERCP was successful in all patients and in each case the stent was inserted in the CBD by the endoscopic route , during the same session ; there were no sphincterotomy related complications .
14 Until 10 May , the Di Meo brothers are presenting ink drawings and gouaches produced by Joseph Suma in the years 1924 to 1970 , thereby supplementing the retrospective being staged by the Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris .
15 This event of historic importance had occurred in 1957 when full membership of the World Federation of the Deaf was accorded to the BDDA .
16 The further sums payable by the Prudential were paid under the development agreement not for the sale but for the performance of the developer 's obligation to complete the development .
17 In Dr S 's view , the discourse of the emotional is devalued in the rest of the department , and she tries to bring it to the fore .
18 For he moved at once to a post-natal , ecological sorting wherein individual adaptive variants are retained , while the maladaptive are eliminated in the Malthusian crush of population .
19 The weak are bullied by the strong , the little by the big , the pious by the irreligious .
20 Now that 's a bit of a surprise to you in the sense that you believed that ten percent of the population owned eighty percent of the land and therefore this , this kind of erm a a attack on , on the rich was happening through the May the fourth directive , that would 've produced enough to bring everybody up to a reasonable middle peasant status .
21 All the spectacular demonstrations of the unemployed were organized by the NUWM , including the Hunger Marches of 1932 , 1934 , and 1936 .
22 The Faithful was working off the Yorkshire coast last November when it was in a collision with a Bridlington trawler and almost sunk .
23 The apostles and the communities of the faithful were driven by the Spirit , faith and the knowledge of the Risen Lord .
24 The English were faced by the different physical conditions and social organisation of the countries which they invaded .
25 His skilful efforts to put the Assembly in the wrong were abetted by the deputies ' seeming determination to alienate the masses from the regime , attempts which culminated in an electoral law of 1850 which disenfranchised some 3,000,000 voters on the basis of a residence qualification .
26 The nature of both universal and human expression is identical , the universal being mirrored in the human entity .
27 But already the 11.54 was steaming into the station , and Perks was looking in all the windows .
28 Nevertheless , the British were looking towards the war 's end and the possible shape of civil aviation even before the United States entered the conflict .
29 The British were squeezed by the tax-man until the pips squeaked — Aneurin Bevan 's phrase .
30 The Punjab had stood firm in 1857 ; the emirs of Northern Nigeria , it was noted with pride , stood firm in 1914 , when the British were forced by the outbreak of war with Germany to denude the area of troops .
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