Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A big drive down the 15th left him with a metal wood to the green and two more putts for his four .
2 The English used it as a convenient base for raids into the Scots East and Middle Marches , and as a permanent threat , its strong position on the rocky spine at the junction of the two rivers making it a very difficult nut to crack .
3 ‘ Then , the British got us into the mess . ’
4 Both the Germans and the French claim him as a hero , and in this sense the Emperor becomes more than a mortal ruler .
5 We use evidence as a weapon in an argument , the Japanese use it as an element in a construction .
6 ‘ One is the only original picture ever taken of him , the second shows him with a beard as well as his moustache , the third clean shaven .
7 The second hit him in the back then travelled upwards for about eight inches before bursting out of his chest .
8 The second hit him in the right shoulder , the impact lifting him off his feet and sending him toppling towards the head of the stairs .
9 One very small point of procedure is worth noting : at a first glance at this example there appears to be a redundancy of the indication pp , but on closer examination it is seen that it has never been used unnecessarily , for where it appears on the same line of the score in two successive bars the first of the pair of instruments whose parts are written on that line enters alone , and the second joins him in the next bar .
10 Radclife 's New Novelist 's Pocket Magazine published its two numbers as hers in 1802 ( giving her current address correctly ) ; the second credits her with The Secret Oath , also 1802 , a chapbook .
11 The second explained them as a protest against society by deprived people who saw violent attacks upon the forces of law and order as a way of calling attention to their grievances .
12 Why is it — perhaps you can enlighten me — why is it , for example , they roast topside of beef in the first place and in the second cook it to the consistency of baked cow-pat ? ’
13 Those in the centre and on the Right regard him as a pragmatist ; those on the Left see him as a right-winger .
14 So you try it with the sixes see if they work try it with the sevens try it with the eights see what works .
15 The lecturers ' meetings became a form of theatre as they encouraged opposition the better to silence it before the expectant crowd .
16 In midweek , however , the stretch is reasonably quiet and I can conceal myself behind a clump of rushes and cast a big piece of luncheon meat on a link-leger rig right in the deep hole and let the current roll it under the roof .
17 The link between his emerging depression and his violent behaviour , the latter defending him from the former , made sense to him .
18 The latter provided him with the income needed to purchase a house beside the bowling green at Whitehall , and York also secured his election as MP for New Romney in 1661 .
19 ‘ Alice Muir , ’ he writes , ‘ was a homeopathist and in 1878 treated old Mrs McNeil at the Boathouse in Brodick so successfully that two years later the latter presented her with an engraved tumbler glass . ’
20 It was such qualities , combined with its outstanding durability and scarcity , that led the Chinese to invest it with the symbolic qualities and applications that served to mark it out all the more emphatically as for them precious beyond all other substances .
21 A rare eagle three at the eighth helped him to a 69 alongside Langer and a cluster of others .
22 Never quite stationary , the mag-lev decanted her on a windy platform and whined away into the cavernous tunnel .
23 His sense of the ridiculous helped him through the myriad indignities which he and Lindsay underwent .
24 The first to supplant it as the final stepping-stone to the highest offices of the learned profession seems to have been the altmsli ( 60-akce ) class .
25 Meanwhile , many hoteliers are still puzzling over the more confusing clauses , vowing not to be the first to test them through the courts .
26 The first familiarised them with the response keyboard .
27 Isaac Mizrahi was the first to dress her in a big way , but since she came to Paris last year the designers all want to meet her , as do the socialites , the Left Bank social hostesses who receive prime ministers as well as actors .
28 But the Pharisees would have provided him with some of his most loyal and fervent followers , and would have been among the first to regard him as the Messiah .
29 The first hit him on the bridge of the nose , almost severing the appendage and taking out an eye as it exited .
30 Unfortunately none of the five provide us with the expected objective measure of pain which we could apply with confidence to adults or to babies or to animals .
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