Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun] [conj] [adv] an " in BNC.

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1 The business in the example , it should be pointed out , is likely to be a retailer as there is no manufacturing capacity in the fixed assets and thus an opportunity is provided for the teacher to explore with the students the expected differences in the structure of assets and liabilities between different industries .
2 If your experiment involves other people ( e.g. if you are comparing different readers ' responses ) , you need to consider ethical issues which arise , including ( a ) getting their permission to use the results ; ( b ) showing them the results and explaining them ; ( c ) not using their names when you report the experiment ( even if they have given permission for this , there is unlikely to be any point ) ; ( d ) the ethical problem that sometimes an experiment is best conducted if the test subjects do n't know what it is for ; that is , if there is a " secret agenda " .
3 They are run by Japanese , the real decisions are taken at head office , foreigners have no chance of promotion , and all the fancy design work is done at home , leaving the overseas factory as just an assembly plant for imported components .
4 we could do the first bits and about an hour really , this weekend not at work or anything .
5 I can not for the life of me see why the County Council as the Statutory Authority and supposedly an independent er er body to British Coal is so resistant to a full public inquiry when only the clear er proposals of British Coal will come out .
6 A relatively clear-cut organisation of this kind , later to become the typical form of internal structure of all foreign offices , had already been introduced in 1661 in Sweden , where the small machine for the control of foreign policy was still part of the royal chancery and hardly an independent entity at all ; but it is interesting that it should also have evolved relatively early in a country still so isolated and underdeveloped as Russia .
7 So that , can you could give me two , please , give me a literal translation and then an idiomatic one , as if you 're doing a modern bible .
8 Much of a manager 's use of statistics is to demonstrate to others that there is a definite pattern and hence an important message inherent in the data .
9 Whether you save yourself , a wounded friend or even an unconscious attacker , the knowledge is vital .
10 Had the plea come from a budding starlet or perhaps an Italian supermodel , Jagger would have tripped over his lips in an effort to scrawl his name — and perhaps his phone number — in her book for posterity .
11 I am a professional artist and also an officer of the RSPCA and a very active member of wildlife conservation organisations .
12 A recent large randomised study in India found no such effect but rather an apparent slight excess of deaths in the supplemented group .
13 Today it is one of the largest unitary , non-collegiate universities in Britain offering not only first-class tuition in every principal subject but also an unsurpassed range of undergraduate courses — a cosmopolitan University in a cosmopolitan city .
14 The stipes articulates with the distal border of the cardo and is sometimes divided into a basistipes and a dististipes. it bears a lateral palpifer and sometimes an inner sclerite , the subgalea ( or parastipes ) .
15 It follows that the cost of depreciation , which is based on the historic cost , is also a sunk cost and therefore an irrelevant cost .
16 This is a startling remark , but it is delivered as a matter of course , and Ross ( 1777–1856 ) , a naval officer and eventually an admiral himself , is unlikely to have been mistaken about something generally known in the service at the time .
17 When pupils are aware of this process , the design of concept maps , with their hierarchical arrays and interrelated groups , forms first a natural extension and then an eventual integration with the information handling process , whether done in the class or in inquiry work in the library .
18 The radio telephone is only a partial link since often an officer can not be located by it .
19 One method in particular , kriging ( now available as part of the UNIRAS software ) , offers not only a contoured surface but also an estimate of the standard error at any point on the map .
20 It was a happy discussion and then an easy decision .
21 Is such resistance a legalized rebellion or merely an extralegal revolution ?
22 However , whether it is a full spin or just an incipient one is academic if the glider stalls a few hundred feet up .
23 But pointing out limitations in a writer can sometimes seem arrogant , or at least condescending , as in this extract : At times Eliot is too confusing , too abstract and too well read , but his poems initially only demand a first response or simply an appreciation of the words , their structure , sound and order .
24 It is interesting to note that their evolution was a long and gradual one and not such a revolutionary concept but simply an extension of where we are now i.e. in centesimal potency ( 5th edition ) philosophy .
25 Cermait said , rather huffily , that it was a well-known fact that even an acorn-full of poteen sent you fast asleep , and Fintan gave vent to a derisive hoot .
26 IT 'S NEVER EASY to tell , when something seems to be happening more and more , whether there is a genuine trend or merely an excessive zeal of reporting .
27 The estate agent was only a young man but quite an astute one at that … no-one was going to put one over on him .
28 Her exemplar was her father , a local patriarch and evidently an apostle of Samuel Smiles-type individualism : she omitted reference to her mother in Who 's Who .
29 Assuming non-degeneracy , at each iteration the cost decreases by a positive amount and so an optimal BFS is eventually reached .
30 For the highest level jobs a whole country or even an international community might be considered , but in European countries most workers attempt to find jobs which do not require either moving house or excessive travelling , and such proximity has corresponding advantages for the potential employers .
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