Example sentences of "[art] [noun] could [vb infin] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 And the slides that were then machined and put into it so that the , the , the , the arm of the , the stabilizer could slip into the water you know .
2 But the Scottish Office remained unsure how the board could proceed without the use of juniors , and asked how it could continue once the exemption ended .
3 Either the debtor or the creditor could appeal from the decision of the court to a single-judge Court of Appeal which gave a final decision .
4 Quick air-reinforcement with infantry was one thing , but any serious fighting or prolonged operations would need far heavier loads and greater tonnages of ammunition and supplies than the RAF could lift in the required time scale .
5 What we now need to ask is has the time arrived er for this measure to begin to be acceptable by the Home Office , it would be nice if there was a just a little indication er as I 'm er proceeding through er this measure from the minister at the despatch box , that the time was now right for this er particular proposal er which was not anything that was voted against er on second reading but merely failed to overcome the hurdle of getting a closure when by seventy eight votes to nil er it was carried except that carrying was not sufficient in order arrive at a closure so that the measure could move in the committee .
6 The House of Lords , while accepting that some elements of natural justice could apply to investigations and preliminary determinations , held that an opportunity to see the counter-statement was not required : no final decision was being made and if the taxpayer could comment on the counter-statement the Commissioners would wish to comment on those comments , thereby producing an endless succession of exchanges , bringing the administration to a standstill .
7 Avoidance would be easy , the camp could dissolve into the hills like mist within half an hour .
8 There was once a vestry built out here , and er this doorway was put in so that the vicar could get into the vestry to change his clothes .
9 The court found that the authority was an emanation of the state and referred to the European Court of Justice the questions of whether the dismissal of the applicant after reaching normal retirement age for a woman constituted discrimination prohibited by Council Directive ( 76/207/EEC ) and whether the applicant could rely on the directive in national courts notwithstanding any inconsistency between it and s. 6(4) of the Act of 1975 .
10 –Bach was well aware of the effects that the mind could exert on the body , realizing that an inharmonious , negative state of mind could impair the body 's vitality and reduce its ability to withstand environmental stress and insults .
11 To legitimise their activities in Lebanon , the PLO could point to the 1969 Cairo agreement , a dubious document drawn up in Egypt between Arafat and the Lebanese army commander which permitted any Palestinian in Lebanon ‘ to participate in the Palestinian revolution ’ and to assist in guerrilla operations by safeguarding ‘ the road to the Arkoub region ’ , the great volcanic escarpment in south-east Lebanon that was now largely controlled by Arafat 's Fatah gunmen .
12 From there , the enemy could patrol against the Australians while developments took place along the east coast with an airstrip at Fuiloro , where in 1934 ( ! ) some so-called agricultural specialists had taken soil samples for a Japanese company .
13 But once it is formally rejected , the SWD could press for the money to be held in trust until the children are 18 .
14 The department could look at the value of making use of the local environment as a resource for its teaching .
15 He suggests the construction of a continuum of categories , each with its set of conditional factors , in which the practitioner could decide upon the degree of directiveness or non-directiveness needed in a specific situation .
16 However , detinue was open to the very serious objection from the plaintiff 's point of view that the defendant could insist on the method of trial known as wager of law , i.e .
17 Merritt finished the MCC second innings off with figures of 7 for 28 off nine overs and gave his side a win by an innings and 122 runs , which showed the Kiwis could compete with the best in the land , and were hungry for greater success .
18 There is still a possibility the club could resign from the Northern League before Tuesday 's deadline .
19 And if it is the intention of regions to put speakers on , especially those regions that are situated at back of Congress , if the speakers could come to the front it would save a great deal of time .
20 The sorceress could see into the future , and she could see how her curse might again fall on us . ’
21 In the meantime , of course , the Administration could dispose of the general inspector 's office to another party while being sure of the political interest of Deacon Murray , a result which in all probability was anticipated by the astute Milton .
22 Timber industry groups maintain that the plan could lead to the loss of 85,000 jobs — compared to the administration 's estimate of 6,000 — and that the aid package is inadequate .
23 I called the meeting in New York during our chairmanship of the Security Council so that the council could meet at the highest level to reaffirm and develop its commitment to peacekeeping and peacemaking .
24 The council could change before the tenancies .
25 The crofter could apply for the ‘ de-crofting ’ of his land , but if this were approved he would no longer be eligible for the many special rights and privileges enjoyed by crofting tenants .
26 People going out of the crush for a breather and intimate talk away from the throng could linger without the girls needing the pretty shawls they had brought out to cover their bare arms .
27 The pile of the arrow could catch on the inside of the bow .
28 The introduction of compulsory elementary education after 1870 may have prompted a re-evaluation of the cost of children because it seriously diminished the contribution the child could make to the family economy .
29 The teacher could begin with the child 's own brief life history , moving on to the history of their family .
30 The CEGB could rely on the Treasury to oppose the expenditure to reduce pollution which did most damage in remote Welsh hills , Scottish lochs and other countries .
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