Example sentences of "[art] [noun] not [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The reason for caution is the ‘ Kinnock kebab ’ : for earners on twice average income the prospective marginal tax rates will be unprecedented and the decision not to phase in the changes slowly will mean a quick fall in discretionary spending .
2 Nor did he see much hope in the extension of parliamentary redress : ‘ any man who will look plain facts in the face will see in a moment that ministerial liability to the censure not in fact by Parliament , nor even by the House of Commons , but by the party majority who keep the Government in office , is a very feeble guarantee indeed against action which evades the authority of the law courts . ’
3 France now offered Germany a road to the future not as part of a German-Soviet alliance or as an American bastion in Europe , but as part of a European entity .
4 30 June 1989 found most of the battalion not on guard in bearskins and tunics , but enjoying the last day of a fortnight 's shooting on the ranges at Salisbury Plain , on ISAAC .
5 The law-makers , roundly condemned by Brian Moore , England 's hooker , on the nonsensical grounds that they have not played for 40 years , have decided that when a maul — ball in hand — grinds to a halt , or the ball becomes unplayable , the team not in possession at the start of the maul should put the ball into an ensuing scrum .
6 ‘ In a maul when the ball becomes unplayable or the maul stationary , the team not in possession at the start will put the ball into the ensuing scrummage .
7 We had to ask the bridesmaids not to pirouette in the aisle .
8 This theory is a variant of the fund theory in that it sees the organization not in terms of a series of funds but a series of responsibility centres .
9 The Padre sitting opposite me had a rifle across his knees , the rifle not in keeping with his rather mild manner and angelic face .
10 The glass not as addition to room , he wrote , but as subtraction from room .
11 Neff built up the firm 's business in the USA not by dint of one overwhelming individual personality , as Roche had done for Heidrick and Struggles , but by exemplifying the success of the Spencer Stuart method of problem-solving in management crises across a range of corporate sectors .
12 Of such undertakings all that can be predicated is that some breaches will and others will not , give rise to an event which will deprive the party not in default of substantially the whole benefit which it was intended that he should obtain from the contract ; and the legal consequences of a breach of such an undertaking , unless provided for expressly in the contract , depend upon the nature of the event to which the breach gives rise and do not follow automatically from a prior classification of the undertaking as a " condition " or a " warranty " .
13 5.3 If at any time there has been any [ material ] noncompliance by the Landlord with any of [ its ] obligations under clause 2 or by the Tenant with any of [ its ] obligations under clause 3 and such default shall continue for or shall not be remedied to the [ reasonable ] satisfaction of the party not in default within [ 15 ] working days ( time being of the essence ) after service on the party in default by the other part of a notice specifying the default and invoking the provisions of this clause then the provisions of clause 5.4 shall have effect immediately upon the expiry of the relevant period
14 This may be done by a provision such as : If the Seller is in breach of this term the Buyer may reject the goods and terminate the contract [ making the term a condition ] or The Buyer will accept the goods even if they are delivered late and late delivery will not entitle the buyer to terminate the contract [ making the term a warranty ] or by using the words " condition " and " warranty " and then defining them in the contract : " condition " means a term of this contract any breach of which will entitle the party not in breach to ( i ) terminate the contract and ( ii ) claim damages for losses caused by breach of condition whether or not he terminates the contract .
15 There can be no subject without a content , and no contents not in relation to a subject .
16 ‘ Brother Hopkins was a man not at peace with himself or his order .
17 In The Psychoanalysis of Culture I drew attention to the megalomania of early divine kingships without , at the time , seeing its relation to the depressive aspects of the early agriculture on which these institutions were based.ll Nevertheless , it is now clear , as I hope to show , that the two opposite types of symptom do in fact appear in connection with the coming of agriculture and , which is more to the point for our present concerns , that this is a phenomenon not without relevance to the understanding of the modern world .
18 The school motto was " Quit you like men : be strong " , an exhortation not without relevance to some of us boys .
19 An egg not of shell like a bird 's : leathery rather , like a turtle 's .
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