Example sentences of "[art] [noun] to [art] [noun pl] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 The response to the miners ' action , both in Romania and abroad , was generally one of condemnation , although the opposition and some observers also emphasised the government 's responsibility for creating a situation in which such riots could occur .
2 Mr. Walter Prideaux , the Clerk to the Goldsmiths ' Company , wrote to the Governors on 22nd November , leaving little doubt about the attitude of the Company :
3 Managing director of finance Ian Duncan writes that ‘ anticipating the introduction of the new US accounting standard FAS 106 , we have made provision over recent years to cover the aggregate liability calculated using the accrual method and have decided to amend the balance sheet classification so that it is shown separately under ‘ provisions for liabilities and charges ’ in the notes to the accounts ' .
4 The task force planned to cut a track through a corridor of forest running along the edge of the settlement to the elephants ' new sanctuary 50 km away .
5 Well , when it was thought I was ready to go to a job , I was sent to 101 Cadogan Gardens in Chelsea , near Sloane Street to be told to go down the steps to the tradesmen 's entrance .
6 It also forms the key to the courts ' justification of managerial autonomy in the model which superseded the agency theory at the beginning of this century .
7 The chief scene for amorous exchange was the entrance to the boys ' swimming baths , for the girls had no baths of their own , and were obliged to use those of their brother school for their weekly afternoon 's lesson ; here , on the steps , small red messenger boys would collect , proffering envelopes from their elders .
8 Her eyes fell on two empty jam jars standing on a shelf , and then her mind flew to the clumps of snowdrops she 'd noticed blooming near the entrance to the shearers ' quarters .
9 She glanced up to see a familiar trim figure strolling languidly out of the entrance to the Members ' Enclosure .
10 Now the opposition to the Members ' Club was out in the open .
11 She ran up the corridor to the gents ' loos and barged open the door .
12 Mrs Law , who ran the shop with a small team of volunteers , sent the proceeds to the Children 's Village in Thandigudi , in Southern India .
13 the coach to the breeders ' evening that 's what I mentioned before , we paid for the refreshments and the rent show secretary has only claimed two pounds which is a scandal really she 's probably paid twenty out , twenty pounds
14 This decision was the decision to provide the benefit to the taxpayers ' children and this decision involved no further expense on the college .
15 Voluntary organisations up and down the country , from the Samaritans to the Women 's Royal Voluntary Service , were standing by to help bereaved families .
16 It was inevitable that the previous week 's tragedy should colour the contributions to the writers ' workshop .
17 Gifts will be raffled with 50pc of the proceeds going towards the team 's travel fund and the rest to the children 's ward at Darlington Memorial Hospital .
18 It has always been there — from the suffragettes to the Women 's Institute — but many of the older forms have become outmoded and new ones are needed which are relevant to the modern age .
19 If these steps are not taken , the council can take the offender to the magistrates ' court and a fine of up to £2,000 may be payable — and the fine may be repeated on a continuing basis if the notice is still not complied with .
20 Masklin crept back through the grass to the nomes ' camp , if that 's what you could call a tiny dry space under a scrap of thrown-away plastic .
21 She ran up the stairs to the minstrels ' gallery with Tick in breathy pursuit .
22 Thus laden , and with eyes popping and face red , he motioned Jitka to go ahead and open the doors , which she did , and together , they climbed the stairs to the children 's room at the back where Noreen used to sleep .
23 The participants talked in abstract and theoretical terms , rarely relating the subject to the listeners ' experience .
24 I decided to be helpful and , rather than bother anyone , I took it upon myself to move about 30 of the magazines to the Women 's Section .
25 Mrs Laughton resigned with much regret , saying as she went that Orkney Islands Council did n't appear to know what the role of the Reporter to the Children 's Panel should be , and determined to make her concerns public .
26 Formal consent must also be sought from the Reporter to the Children 's Panel if we propose to share certain information provided by the Reporter .
27 As the door to the parents ' room opened , she held her breath .
28 There was a thin slice of light showing under the door to the boys ' room .
29 The door to the servants ' quarters in the attics had been nailed up .
30 Boltanski photographed each of 143 pupils when he visited London in September and he is testing the way in which art is created by its context by also sending the portraits to the pupils ' parents in return for the fee which would have been charged by the school photographer .
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