Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [vb base] [adv] for a " in BNC.

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1 Past the reserve look out for a viewpoint over Loch Avich .
2 The times cry out for a dramatic change in our relationship to our neighbour , the Earth and , at root to God .
3 The Inspirals settle down for a night 's kip on the 800 mile drive up to the moonlit coast to Seattle for tomorrow 's gig .
4 However , the males compete vigorously for a share of paternity : if one male mates with the female the others all mate with her in rapid succession .
5 And flying tonight … the Falcons swoop in for a new season .
6 The children dress up for a saloon in the kind of gear that snooker players or riverboat gamblers wear , with the girls in long dresses .
7 And the boys come down for a week !
8 Jeffrey Archer and Sir Tim Bell sailed resolutely towards the lobsters and champagne as the Tories cast off for a fourth term in office .
9 MIKE HOOPER could earn a shock recall tomorrow for a match which his manager describes as ‘ potentially the most exciting European tie I 've been involved in . ’
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