Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [vb pp] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 WITH the forthcoming visit by the South Africans looming large , the RFU have taken the opportunity given them by the All Black and Wallaby tours to South Africa to get in some early homework on the Boks .
2 The Germans occupied them in the second world war , the Americans rebuilt them afterwards , and then the north-west Europeans came back in the shape of the European Community and its powerful money .
3 He commented : ‘ The promotion was a tremendous success thanks to the wholehearted manner in which the branches promoted it to the public . ’
4 The President called him into the room .
5 This teacher 's view that the Afro-Caribbean pupils felt obliged to live up to the labels given them by the school was reiterated by other teachers .
6 The barman fixed me with the kind of stare you could roast weenies on .
7 Almost all the murders that the police solve in real life are either dealt with in a matter of hours ( the husband done it with the kitchen knife ) or as a result of long , long , tedious inquiries , mostly house-to-house , the taking of fingerprints and the elimination of perhaps thousands of marginal suspects .
8 The neon striped it in the air .
9 The marquis pinned her to the ground by her shoulders , sitting astride her so that she could n't move .
10 Only once have the gods assaulted me in the guise of another person .
11 In the last year of his life Carleton 's connections with the tightly knit Puritan gentry of the midlands involved him in the Puritan literary conspiracy of the Marprelate tracts .
12 It certainly did n't merit the name given it by the Danes , who invented it .
13 The Franciscan friars of Reading found it necessary in 1234 to obtain from the king a letter ordering the warden of Windsor Forest not to exact cheminage in respect of the timber given them in the forest for their buildings at Reading .
14 This chapter is intended to illustrate the operation of community policing in Easton , and in the process to assess the commitment given it by the ordinary policemen and women who carry it out , looking separately at the units responsible for community relations and neighbourhood policing .
15 The profession has managed to offer CPD on a shoestring up until the mid-1980s but henceforth some funding will have to be found if it is to fulfil the role given it by the membership .
16 Against the advice given me at the Centre , quite deliberately I decided to have neither a counsellor nor a healer .
17 In retrospect , it seemed that the Lord protected her for the first few days , and then …
18 Mr Hikmatyar , whose strength springs largely from the favours shown him by the Americans and Pakistanis in the 1980s , is now ‘ prime minister-designate ’ of Afghanistan .
19 The jury convicted him on the counts of theft , but by directions of the recorder returned no verdict on the section 15(1) count .
20 He found him , or was found by him , on the 22nd of June , in the valley of the river Lugg , near Pilleth , where the steep slopes of Bryn Glas hurtled down to the track on one hand , and the flats and meadows of the river hemmed it on the other .
21 For the next seventy-five minutes he will be the most important man on the floor-maintaining discipline and relaying all the instructions given him by the team assembled up in the gallery .
22 Their contribution is perceived as threefold : they were long-standing rivals of Gloucester , which virtually guaranteed a power struggle in 1483 ; the favour shown them by the king had made them unpopular with the rest of the Yorkist establishment ; and they were so closely identified with the young king , Edward V , that any limitation of their power could only be made permanent by his deposition .
23 Their contribution is perceived as threefold : they were long-standing rivals of Gloucester , which virtually guaranteed a power struggle in 1483 ; the favour shown them by the king had made them unpopular with the rest of the Yorkist establishment ; and they were so closely identified with the young king , Edward V , that any limitation of their power could only be made permanent by his deposition .
24 The favour shown it by the Mongols had enabled it to consolidate its position across Russia long before the Muscovite State managed to do so .
25 The amount of serum given had to balance with the amount given me by the Pharmacist from the records she kept of that given to Ward Sisters for use on the wards .
26 Working on three floors at once we decided to we needed to continue work on the seventh floor before moving up to the eighth and so on to the ninth by the information given us in the er we calculated that the men that were to get onto the programme by the end of the week calculated the production rate for various gangs to see how fast so that 's how it was looking .
27 The possibility fascinated him from the beginning , from the moment Mr Evans walked into the kitchen while they were having breakfast their first morning and bared those loose teeth in what he probably thought was a smile .
28 However , for the third time this season , Wantage could not hold on to a lead given them in the last five minutes , and allowed Andy Martin to shoot home for the equaliser for Bicester .
29 But JUSt as it IS proper for me to look back to my wedding day as assurance that I am really married , so it is proper to look back to my baptism as a mark given me by the Holy Spirit that I am really born again in Christ , and to the eucharist as a pledge that I do partake of his life , feed on him , and shall in the last day share his resurrection .
30 If it failed , there would be no mercy shown him by the enraged Executioner .
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