Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [vb past] [prep] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Logan 's name is now synonymous with publishing success and under his benign and brilliant regime the NME went from strength to strength .
2 The Zahringer Dukes extended the castle from 1127 onward , and it is one of Switzerland 's earliest brick buildings ; the town alongside it on the ridge grew in proportion to its strategic importance and was in fact incorporated in the walled defences by the Kyburg dynasty which followed the Zahringers .
3 In both cases the money went for tickets to fund-raising parties organised for Mr Takeshita .
4 The case went on appeal to the Employment Appeal Tribunal and eventually to the Court of Appeal .
5 WW346 was used for crew training , also for transporting groundcrew and spares , including engines , when the Squadron went on detachment to Malta , three aircraft out of the four were grounded all at the same time , because of engine problems .
6 The decision came in response to an acute fuel shortage which worsened during December .
7 The decision came in response to an acute fuel shortage which worsened during December .
8 That was what the present had on offer to Michael Holly .
9 The coin went from hand to reluctant hand .
10 The driver escaped with cuts to his face .
11 The Dunfords moved from Petersfield to Alton in 1940 .
12 The stock jumped from 6p to 16p before settling at 13p .
13 Hardly aware of the chill she paced restlessly along the bank , seeing for the first time the way the dew crisped to frost along each blade of grass until the parkland veered from dark to grey to an ephemeral diamond enchantment .
14 Nevertheless , North did testify that Poindexter had supervised the November 1985 shipment of US arms to Iran , an important statement given that four of the five felony charges against the defendant arose from statements to Congress that he had not learnt of the shipment until January 1986 .
15 The practice grew from strength to strength until by 1985 there were four partners and three assistant solicitors in the firm of Norrie , Bowler and Wrigley .
16 In the case the issue arose in relation to an order made against a firm of solicitors under section 27 of the Drug Trafficking Offences Act 1986 , which incorporates section 10 of the 1984 Act .
17 The small gathering included my former colleague Guy Thomas , who had left the company when the ownership changed from TWW to HTV .
18 After the last captive had been secured , the cordon remained in place to bag any stragglers , waiting until their colleagues who had been doing the sweep through the woods arrived to join up with them again .
19 The campaign came in response to a spate of fatal stabbings and involved extra police officers being drafted in to patrol late-night trouble spots .
20 The parents asked for access to be given to the Salvation Army , Baptist or Church of Scotland ministers , but all such requests were refused .
21 The young man behind the desk smiled in response to Roman 's query , uttered in too low a tone for Claudia to hear .
22 Maxim took one quick drink at the bar went on back to the toilets ( ‘ Establish whether there are any other exits ’ ) and then chose a stool against the wall with a beer and the Washington Post .
23 In the years prior to the shutdown on Nov. 1884 the costs ranged from £2,300 to £5,600 a year .
24 For several years the business went from strength to strength .
25 Much of the opposition to the ERA came from adherents to fundamentalist religious movements which take literally Biblical statements such as St Paul 's to the Ephesians — ‘ Wives , be subject to your husband as to the Lord ’ and ‘ As the church is subject to Christ , so let wives also be subject in everything to their husbands ’ .
26 When the promised sprinters were not delivered on time , when the fares increased in proportion to the decline in reliability , when children are stranded because trains have broken down , when Conservative-controlled Suffolk county council subsidises the late night train , and when central Government grant for British Rail goes up , yet the service is still like a lottery , I despaired , I despair , and I will continue to despair until we give individuals , travellers , employees and taxpayers a real incentive to make it work — the freedom to succeed in the private sector .
27 The amendment came in response to criticisms by six of the seven recently created opposition parties that the first version was weighted in favour of the Social Democratic Republican Party ( PRDS ) , formed under the sponsorship of President Moaouia Ould Sidi Taya ) .
28 Although not something he had thought of himself , the adaptation grew in importance to him , the more he worked on it .
29 The water went from calm to storm-tossed and the canoe began to jog sickeningly .
30 The reaction shown in Scheme 2 was first observed when a sample of , in an ampoule under nitrogen , was being tested for a pinhole using a Tesla discharge ; the surface of the sample turned from black to brown .
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