Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [adv] [v-ing] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The consciousness secretly indwelling in matter , the occult inhabitant , is able to make its way upward from the lower to the higher gradations , taking up what it was into what it is and preparing to take up both into what it will be .
2 Continue along the coast soon keeping to left of lighthouse buildings at St Abb 's Head ; briefly join lighthouse road , but it is best almost immediately to divert off it to rejoin cliff-top for sea views .
3 Again , the liability depends upon the money or property in question being received in the ordinary course of the receiving partner 's activities within the firm and not upon any authority vested in himsee Willett v Chambers ( 1778 ) Cowp 814 ( misapplication of moneys received from a client for investment on mortgage , the client being billed in the name of the firm ) , Rhodes v Moules [ 1895 ] 1 Ch 236 ( partner absconding with bearer share warrants proffered by client as collateral security for a mortgage loan , where the firm was in the habit of receiving such securities from its clients ) and Blair v Bromley ( 1847 ) 12 Ph 354 ( misapplication of money by a partner who paid interest on it to the client , the fraud only coming to light on the partner 's bankruptcy .
4 Wounded during the robbery , Roth ( Mr Orange ) actually spends most of the movie slowly bleeding to death , while Harvey Keitel ( the sentimental old-time thief Mr White ) , Steve Buscemi ( the motormouth obsessive Mr Pink ) and Michael Madsen ( the quietly psychopathic Mr Blonde ) bicker and brawl about who sold them out .
5 I did not know where to look ; at the girl now moaning with pleasure or Angus 's slack-mouthed face .
6 Official sources were yesterday unable to explain why the restrictions had been brought in , including whether they had been designed to reduce the risk of leaks to loyalists of the type recently coming to light .
7 The errors possibly arising from voltage variations are however clearly much less than variations arising for other , explained and unexplained reasons and it was decided to abandon this idea .
8 Again , the 103/4 conveyed a perfectly tangible image , with the sound literally hanging in space in the room .
9 There will also be spontaneous small group work , with the teacher maybe intervening in role , or staying out of role , commenting , spotlighting work for others to see .
10 Hot flushes are caused by the capillaries suddenly filling with blood to give a sudden rush to the face , neck and shoulders , with extra body heat and perspiration .
11 As it rose , the motors now screaming in protest , Ace could gradually see more of the opening from which the platform projected .
12 There were so many human stories , retold movingly by Uncle Fred as he came home in the evening after searching for employment for another batch of DPs .
13 Bit of writing , bit of tennis , bit of reading ( to kill time ) , few beers in the evening before going to bed thinking what a waste my life is .
14 But the group most demanding of provision is that of adults with severe learning difficulties who are newly resident in the community .
15 There 's a dance culture and lifestyle in Swindon bubbling under the surface just waiting for recognition .
16 Meanwhile , Twinhead 's Twinstation MP , a dual-processor Sparctstaion 2-compatible offering , already out in the US , is due to hit the UK shortly according to director , Allen Wu .
17 Kangaroo rats and spring-hares use their holes , as the tortoise does , to shelter from the heat ; hyaenas and wolves as nurseries ; badgers and armadillos as dormitories in which to slumber during the day after foraging at night ; and mice and rabbits as sanctuaries where they are beyond the reach of most of their enemies .
18 The couple on board were lucky to escape alive , and with the season just getting under way , waterways officials say boat owners must make sure they 're shipshape .
19 Its partners include two women whose dedication is such that Mrs Anne Elliott even worked in the morning before going into hospital in the afternoon to have her first baby .
20 By the end of the century , the nitrate now seeping through soil and rocks will put rivers such as the Thames , Great Ouse and the Avon ‘ over the limit ’ of 50 mg/litre .
21 For if the station is seen as cathedral or chapel , it can also be seen to possess in its heyday a Bible every bit as imposing and sometimes even as impenetrable as the Authorized Version ( Bradshaw ) , incense ( steam ) , and liturgical chanting ( ‘ The train now standing at platform 3 is … ’ ,
22 ( 1 ) A licensing board may , on an application made to the board in that behalf , transfer to a new tenant or occupant of any licensed premises the licence then subsisting in respect of those premises .
23 Like so many of the men now rising to leadership in poor countries , he has done a stint at the World Bank , and is regarded as capable .
24 So we 've cleansed off the cleanser now going to tissue dry Now toner is in a spray bottle , so we 're going to gently use the spray over Molly 's face .
25 You can combine the pirouette with the hovering circuit by turning around and taking the model around too , as before , but with the model always pointing into wind ( Fig. 7.4 ) .
26 Overactivity by the parasympathetic can also result in bowel disturbances , or contraction of the bronchi producing asthma , or over-secretion of acid by the stomach eventually leading to stomach ulcers .
27 Hagman was a kind man , who recognized Charlie Weller 's apprehension , but the day was too hot , the sun too fierce , and the dust too parching for kindness to have much of a chance .
28 With the roots came dreams of the creation of liberated zones , embracing the generation briefly flirting with peace , the new libertarian-oriented politicos , and , crucially , people doing what the period was supposed to be about , having a good time .
29 For Russell , this was an exceptional opening into the mysteries of the craft , whilst for the College of Arms it was a great mistake as their involvement in funerals quickly declined , the embers briefly coming to life with the public obsequies of Queen Mary in 1695 .
30 He is seen here later in the year after posting to East Africa , with a Curtiss Mahawk in the background .
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