Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [noun pl] at the end " in BNC.

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1 Until they were reined back by the banking authorities at the end of last year , they had built up huge liabilities in dollars in order to play the interest-rate differentials that foreigners have so enjoyed .
2 Full-time students not meeting the degree requirements at the end of three years may be eligible to return to take additional modules within the maximum period of five years from entry to Stage II .
3 Had the county council been able to use the final figures , the dwelling requirements at the end of the projection period would have been somewhat lower than the figure that we have produced .
4 It was nevertheless agreed on May 1 that there would be an end to hostilities in mid-May , to be followed by the formal signing of the peace documents at the end of the month .
5 The MacroVariable names can be changed as long as you remember to change them in the Type statements at the end of the macro .
6 When the meeting is over Jane and I walk back towards our own department , past the sightseers waiting outside the security barriers at the end of Downing Street .
7 The woodwind sextuplets at the end of ‘ Deh vieni non tardar ’ became an image of summer rain ; Susanna is in an English garden , the garden at Glyndebourne , and it 's raining …
8 A peek in the waste containers at the end of the lunch break is a good indicator of what should n't appear on the menu in future .
9 In my view , the Brazilians should be told in the strongest terms that any repeat when they entertain Italy ( whose supporters , I admit , are no angels themselves ) in the quarter finals at the end of march , could lead to them being disqualified .
10 Electricians began rewiring the wall sockets at the end of August 1991 .
11 Ahead , the traffic lights at the end of Beaumont Street were in sight .
12 The experience of each will be drawn upon to illuminate the summary conclusions at the end of this chapter .
13 It 's the most wonderfully romantic all-night festival in the Buskett Gardens at the end of the month .
14 Under these arrangements the housing associations undertake to buy the BES houses at the end of the five year period at a pre-agreed price .
15 For all his scrupulously clean musicianship Hardy does not yet command the range of colour and accent of Shlomo Mintz — witness the windover-the-graves scales at the end of the first and last movements .
16 The hard men at the finance ministry have promised to review the austerity measures at the end of this month .
17 During the show trials at the end of the 1940s she had been imprisoned pour encourager les autres , though she had no political associations .
18 When the appointed hour approached and we could see the visitors massing outside the glass doors at the end of the ward , waiting for opening-time , I would bury myself in a book to hide my pink eyes ; but they would none the less be drawn irresistibly to watch the passage of each visitor along the aisle while I thought babyishly , " Somebody might think to come . "
19 The fields will comprise the leading eight in the world rankings at the end of this season and eight more players supplied by the host association or invited by the sponsors .
20 Sir Alec Cairncross , a former Chief Economic Adviser to the Treasury , heaps praise on the Attlee governments at the end of his highly regarded study Years of Recovery : ‘ Whether one tries to look forward from 1945 or backwards from forty years later , those years appear in retrospect , and rightly so , as years when the government knew where it wanted to go and led the country with an understanding of what was at stake .
21 It seemed that everyone had to be classified according to height and weight so that they would compete against boys of roughly the same size in the school sports at the end of the year .
22 The uncle had apparently come to the school gates at the end of school and when the girl was a little way on her way home had caught up with her and taken her to his house .
23 They got a brilliant reception from the Leeds fans at the end .
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