Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [adv prt] from the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I pitched the tent back from the sea , close to a river .
2 The YCCC however were able to raise public awareness of the issues involved , and in doing so learned that the only taxes coming from the tannery were those being paid by the workers themselves , that the city was grossly undercharging the tannery for the use of the sewage treatment plant , and that there was a sewer-use ordinance that , if enforced , would solve the problem immediately by cutting the tannery off from the sewage treatment plant .
3 For best effect , set the board back from the face of the chimney plaster by about 12 to 25mm , so there 's no problem with cracking at the joint where plaster and hardboard or timber meet .
4 As you improve , start to bring the action into your everyday life , such as when bringing the milk out from the fridge or when picking up the post each morning .
5 Jack had to fill the coal scuttles , Kevin to bring in the logs , Aengus had to roll yesterday 's papers into sausage-like shapes which would be used for lighting the fires later , Gerry , who was meant to be the animal lover , had to take Oswald for a run in the park , and see that there was something on the bird table in the garden , and Ronan had to open the big heavy curtains in the front rooms , take the milk in from the steps and place it in the big fridge and brush whatever had to be brushed from the big granite steps leading up to the house .
6 But it 's important to remember that if you do have a grievance , you can only claim the money back from the company you bought the machine from , not the manufacturer .
7 Publicity pays and gets the money back from the markets .
8 but when I spoke about safety and getting the money back from the safety training that they now want that they did n't want in the first place you said , no , we should do that
9 In all of this giving away of herself ( which can be taken in two modern senses ) , this revelation of a coarser character beneath the courtly exterior she tries to sustain , Margery follows the movement of the opening stanzas of the text down from the character of the courtly dame to the level of the townswoman , a stereotyped bourgeois Vxor , " Wife " : the label that seems to be given her by the letter " " V " alongside some of her speeches in the manuscript copy of Dame Sirith .
10 I was going to make the minutes up from the tape you see .
11 ‘ You 've taken the cottage on from the Russells , have n't you ? ’
12 Hunter observed that ‘ … the whole viscera when all the Blood is press 'd out goes into a very little bulk , even the Liver will lose vastly of its bulk and in short the whole viscera will come into a small compass when they are well clean 'd and put into dry cloths ; you are then to go to the trunk of the Body and empty it of Blood as well as you can and press the Blood out from the Face , Hands , etc. as well as Arms , and the more Blood is pressed out the better ’ .
13 You may find when you have the reply back from the employer that you have to suspend unemployment benefit .
14 John will play his part shouting the lads on from the bench .
15 Somewhere on the outside was a frieze of armed horsemen ; and over the doorway in from the porch was a stone beam with animals in low relief on its outer face and , seated above it , two statues of goddesses ( or a goddess ) facing each other .
16 The pale middle-aged skipper emerged from the bowels of the ship as the second mate , another young lad , ticked the engine over from the wheel house .
17 On Thursday 3 October , a bomb caused a large crater in London Road , Thornton Heath , between Dunheved Road North and Dunheved Road South , cutting the depôt off from the rest of the Croydon system .
18 Right from the kick-off Hove took the game to Haslemere and only excellent defence held the visitors back from the line .
19 The next time you need to backup the directory you copy it into \WORK\WORK\WORK and so on until you feel that it is time to start the backup off from the start again .
20 Then Morton helped to carry the equipment in from the growler .
21 It was yet another of the advantages of belonging to the working class , like always knowing someone who would send her son round to unblock the sink , lay a carpet , get the cat down from the tree , lend you a van for the evening or sell you trainers and tracksuits cheap .
22 God knows how much there still is down there ; I 've seen great stacks and bales of it still with the Royal Navy markings on it , and I 've dreamed up any number of ways of getting at it , but short of tunnelling in from the shed and taking the cordite out from the back , so that the bales looked untouched from the inside of the cellar , I do n't see how I could do it .
23 Er Madam Speaker , I I agree with er the honourable gentleman that it 's extremely important that the various agencies do play a part in working together to ensure effective action with minimum bureaucracy and I know that the honourable gentleman has been anxious to ensure that that happens in his own constituency and his own area where he is dealing with the problems of high unemployment er and the fall out from the closures of pits in his area and if the honourable gentleman has any specific er er measures which he would like us to look at then I 'd be very happy to consider those .
24 The fall out from the downturn in the Lloyds insurance marketr now appears to be hitting hard across the region .
25 During this time , the dealer had hired a lawyer who successfully claimed the picture back from the Gemäldegalerie ; relations were strained between East and West Germany , and , according to the dealer , ‘ There was no interest from the DDR ’ .
26 They had brought most of the pieces up from the harbour defences , not anticipating another seaborne assault meantime .
27 When he drew the curtain back from the windows , he was smiling .
28 " I 've pulled the teams around from the yard plenty of times .
29 She said carrying the water up from the well had taken a great deal of time which , when I saw her filling the bucket , I was not surprised since she lowered the rope slow enough to make me fall asleep watching .
30 If speed 3 is selected it literally blows the water out from the spray bar and would turn the vat contents over at least 12 times an hour .
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