Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [vb -s] him [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The paradigm presents him with a set of definite problems together with methods that he is confident will be adequate for their solution .
2 Those who think of Pound as a great liberator from stiff and hidebound conventions will be disconcerted to find that Newbolt on the contrary treats him as an academic formalist .
3 The barge carrying the body springs a leak , his ceremonial uniform is soaked as he frantically bales , he worries about the expensive watch which he has inadvertently left on the coffin , the ceremony leaves him with a bad cold which he tries , not altogether successfully , to hide when he is presented to the King .
4 The teaching and life style of John the Baptist identifies him with the prophetic tradition in Israel .
5 The recipient confirms receipt of the message to the carrier , and following this confirmation the carrier provides him with the private key .
6 Captain Richard Moore 's day begins as the ring of the telephone wakes him with a start from a deep sleep .
7 Cluster of four fielders round 's back now , they 're all crouching as Tufnell comes in to bowl to , is it an appeal from Tufnell as the ball raps him on the pad but he 's playing well forward , but the question Tufnell is asking really to John Hampshire is he playing a shot ?
8 If a secured creditor omits to disclose his security in his proof of debt , he must surrender it for the general benefit of creditors unless the court relieves him on the ground that omission was inadvertent or the result of honest mistake ( r 6.116 ) .
9 The other sees him as a collaborator with the forces of oppression .
10 Then the orderly beats him over the head , pumps a couple of .38 's into Mahoney with a silenced gun , turns round and walks out .
11 The bank Sees him as a sound and very shrewd business man … ’
12 The document names him as a sponsor of an Irish Freedom Movement troops-out rally , but Mr Campbell said he had never supported a troops-out policy .
13 If not , the nurse takes him in a wheelchair .
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