Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [noun pl] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Security Service is part of the Defence Forces of the country .
2 The Security Service is part of the Defence forces of the country .
3 As a former Minister of Defence , Foreign Secretary , and Chancellor of the Exchequer , he was all too familiar with the Defence arguments in the Whitehall market-place .
4 Similarly , in the secondary process the investment of energy is canalized by rules , by obstacles , that the defence mechanisms of the ego construct , which subordinate the possibility of energy discharge to the ‘ transformation of the relationship between the psychic apparatus and the external world ’ ( Lyotard 1984 , p. 58 ; Dews 1984 ) .
5 There should have been a Government white paper to properly calculate the defence needs of the country .
6 Different groups , using slightly different recording techniques , can end up with quite different descriptions of the response properties of the cells in the same region because they are , in fact , recording from different cell populations ( O'Keefe and Conway 1978 ; Olds , Disterhoft , Segal , Kornblith , and Hirsh 1972 ; Stryker and Sherk 1975 ) .
7 erm , the adventure section was quite successful in a lot of respects they had quite a few people er attached to it , the scout group and the cub group , cub packs did n't have very many , but erm the adventure section had quite a few people , er and in fact we 've got people doing the tent stalls at the moment that are from a seventh mutant , which is , what it was and of course they 've disenfranchised if you like er but we 're looking , the district is looking to create a new group with Buckland
8 The researchers infected cells with both the plasmid and the virus , and relied on similarities between the vaccinia genes in the virus itself and those they had put in the plasmid to ensure that occasionally , the two would recombine .
9 On Oct. 3 a statement issued in Abu Dhabi , one of the United Arab Emirates ( UAE ) , by the majority shareholders of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International ( BCCI ) , which had been closed down on July 5 , 1991 , amid allegations of massive corruption and fraud [ see p. 38355 ] , announced that they had withdrawn their support for an attempted rescue of the bank .
10 A reverse takeover offer is one where an offeror company makes a general offer to the shareholders of a larger company to acquire their shares in exchange for new shares in the offeror company , with the shareholders in the larger company becoming the majority shareholders in the offeror company .
11 This was denied and speculation that the paper would move from its traditional support of the Left was quashed by the four banks which are the majority shareholders in the group .
12 Simply expressed , parliamentary democracy and the representation of individual electors by unfettered parliamentary leaders is challenged in favour of party democracy and the representation of collective ( class ) interests where the majority wishes of the party activists outside Parliament in the constituencies are interposed between the parliamentary leaders and the electorate to limit the former and to provide the party programme for choice by the latter .
13 The U boats in the Atlantic , despite the fact that they were convoys , and protected by the .
14 Mr Major has said privately that he does not believe it is necessary to follow the Taylor recommendations to the letter , but he will insist that the changes are made for First and Second Division clubs .
15 Up to now the unity talks between the SARB and the black SARU have been far from smooth .
16 The players include three guitarists , Bill Frisell , Vernon Reid and Robert Quine , who rage and soar far over the gutters of grunge-making ‘ Nightmare ’ , among many other things , one of the guitar albums of the year .
17 The infection spreads via the lymphatic vessels to the lymph nodes of the groin where there is usually a one-sided swelling , called the inflammatory bubo .
18 Secondary bacterial infection of the ulcers is common and there is a marked swelling of the lymph nodes in the groin , which can be very tender .
19 There may also be a degree of enlargement of the lymph nodes in the groin .
20 Other people may go on to develop further symptoms of their HIV infection including persistent swelling of the lymph glands in the neck , armpits and groin , continuous tiredness , unexplained weight loss , continuous dry cough not related to smoking , diarrhoea , thrush , unexplained bleeding , shortness of breath , cold sores , night sweats and fevers .
21 When breast cancer is terminal , it 's not due to the primary tumour in the breast , but because the tumour cells have spread through the lymph glands in the armpit to vital organs .
22 WASHINGTON , D.C. A Washington-area cultural festival , coordinated by the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts under the title of ‘ Tribute to Germany ’ , has provided the impetus for two exhibitions of modern German artists , at the National Gallery of Art ( until 16 August ) .
23 There are already several institutions of which we can be proud , and I understand that Cardiff may have a centre for the performing arts in the form of a new opera house .
24 At a meeting in Moscow on April 13 Jaruzelski received from President Gorbachev copies of the NKVD lists of the names of Polish internees in the three camps .
25 All Welsh counties for instance are limited to increasing their budgets of one point seven on point seven five percent over nineteen ninety three , ninety four are as the cities of Cardiff and Swansea and the borough of Newport and it is this cap of one point seven percent as my honourable friend for Cardiff South and Penarth has pointed out , which is at the route of the funding problems of the South Wales police authority area .
26 The Government 's White Paper on Science and Technology is set to have a significant effect on universities , industry and education after its announcement that the funding priorities of the £6 billion R&D budget will be aimed at harnessing Britain 's strengths to enhance wealth creation .
27 In the context of acute hospitals in the NHS , it is the logical next stage to follow case-mix accounting , and could be introduced with some changes to the funding structures of the NHS .
28 Interest received by the bank(s) is used , firstly , to meet what are referred to as the funding costs of the loan .
29 Any directions to the funding councils by the Secretary of State were made subject to negative resolution by both Houses of Parliament .
30 It is true the funding arrangements at the time of the research did not allow for holiday pay , sick pay , and so on .
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