Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [verb] [pn reflx] to a " in BNC.

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1 Why in such a case should the courts blind themselves to a clear indication of what Parliament intended in using those words ?
2 The gang helped themselves to a video , leather jacket , private letters plus bits and pieces to the tune of £1,000 before fleeing .
3 Within years their cotton plants were decimated by a tiny bug and the Sutherlands resigned themselves to a meagre living from farming .
4 He seemed to think it evidence of a malignant fate that he had had the misfortune to link himself to a succession of mad women .
5 With a pink carpet and green walls , the room lends itself to a Christmas colour theme of red and green .
6 Through this attempt the Restoration lent itself to a repetition of the earlier struggle between King and Commons .
7 In September 1990 the respondent appeared with his new employer at the wholesale locksmith 's , and during the sales assistant 's brief absence the respondent helped himself to a key-cutting machine from stock .
8 In June 1991 all EC members except the UK committed themselves to a minimum standard VAT rate of 15 per cent from January 1993 [ see p. 38297 ] .
9 The people commit themselves to a life of obedience , and Moses sprinkles the remainder of the blood over them ( verse 8 ) — identifying them with the sacrifice made on their behalf both initially and for the failures and sins of everyday life .
10 It took time for the Americans to commit themselves to a battle for the stomachs , hearts and minds of the people living in the Western zones of Germany .
11 My objection was not to discussion of the subject , but to the refusal of those who might be expected to be clear and able spokesmen of the Church to commit themselves to a firm position on right and wrong .
12 Nor does the book confine itself to a run-down of the different massage strokes ; it also ventures in to the territory of relaxation tips , body awareness exercises and meditation techniques to instill a sense of calm .
13 Being able to look back , by means of regression , and discover that their condition has a logical and rational cause , takes away that feeling of stupidity and prevents the patient condemning himself to a lifetime of inevitable failure .
14 Thus , every three years or so , a strident siren echoed across the Dantesque landscape of Winnington to signal the moment for everyone within eye- or ear-shot to retire to a safe distance and to watch the plant reduce itself to a concrete skeleton .
15 It would seem that a vicar exposed himself to a young lady of tender years on Devil 's Bridge sometime in the 1800s .
16 The story begins on a May morning in 1991 , when Brian Mattison awoke early to see a heron helping himself to a fish breakfast .
17 I was content to be on my own , glad that I should have no need to accommodate myself to a fellow-countryman , that any decisions in the days ahead would be entirely mine .
18 There were several motives which might bring a man to commit himself to a fairly long period ( eight years in France from 1762 onwards ) of military service .
19 We saw in the first Test the damage of which Gary Freeman , working behind dominant forwards , is capable ; in the second Test , behind a pack tackling itself to a standstill , Shaun Edwards dictated .
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