Example sentences of "[pron] [am/are] [verb] all the time " in BNC.

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1 In the past two weeks he has had to scrummage against Scotland 's World Cup looseheads , David Sole and David Milne : ‘ They certainly got the better of me but I like to think that I am learning all the time and that that will lead to my improvement ’ .
2 " I enjoy playing in Europe and still feel that I am learning all the time .
3 I am learning all the time and I feel I am ready to hit the big time . ’
4 Although I am progressing all the time , like most people starting a new hobby for the first time , I need some help .
5 Like Williams , Hill was defiant about his talent and ambitions , saying : ‘ I am not too disheartened because I am improving all the time as a Grand Prix racer and you have to remember it is my first season .
6 I 'm trying all the time to work against commercialization , against the idea that every author 's work is a product directed towards consumers .
7 This is what I 'm getting all the time yeah .
8 All that tap , tap work in England was no good ; there I was always the governor , now I 'm learning all the time , nicking moves from everyone , ’ he said .
9 All that tap , tap work in England was no good ; there I was always the governor , now I 'm learning all the time , nicking moves from everyone , ’ he said .
10 I feel like I 'm learning all the time ( playing in Challenge Tour events ) .
11 This is only my second season of fishing and I 'm learning all the time .
12 I , I maybe fall asleep for maybe an hour or two and then I 'm woken and I 'm coughing all the time .
13 I think he 's wrong , because I 'm going all the time — when his job is finished , it 's finished …
14 If it seems you are training hard — perhaps you are fatigued all the time — you are probably training at too high a level .
15 Living in a totalitarian system , he said , ‘ you are taught all the time that it 's unbreakable .
16 You will never get the best out of it if you are worrying all the time about stalling .
17 But normally you find that erm both Stan and I would consider the large goods vehicles drivers as being the professionals , because you are driving all the time .
18 And you 're learning all the time , Pip !
19 Cos you 're chatting all the time are n't you ?
20 Aye , sore fingers , hard , you get hard where you 're cutting all the time in the shape , but apart from that , maybe scissors fall that on your foot and
21 You 'll find you soon get through the day that way , and you 're occupied all the time which is the important thing . ’
22 erm I 'm conscious of the fact that I 've been going on for perhaps too long and I may not have said quite enough about Darwin , but let me just finish by saying this that it 's not possible today , I believe , to discuss any important problem in biology without Darwin 's thought being absolutely central to what you 're saying all the time .
23 Of course you 're reassuring all the time as you do this
24 ‘ I do n't believe in the fatal decline of the written word , ’ says Mr Fontaine , ‘ but we are competing all the time — not so much against television , because the screen image and the printed word complement each other , as against magazines , and against the time people spend getting to work and then their leisure time — against music and the cinema . ’
25 We are developing all the time .
26 Independent advice er comes from major brokers , the banks and building societies have come out of independent advice pretty well , because they 've decided that it 's expensive and a hassle , cos we 're regulated all the time and of course it makes , we 've , we 've got to analyze the products on the market , so we 've got to pay people to do that .
27 We 're advancing all the time and I think there may came a time we wo n't use animals at all for medical research , but at , up till now we needed to use animals for medical research .
28 It 's moving constantly and we 're increasing all the time .
29 They are squeezing all the time to make the figures .
30 They are reinforcing all the time by both air and sea .
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