Example sentences of "[pron] [is] [verb] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And I think that 's what underpins the advice in Planning Policy Guidance note number three which is seeking to use the new settlement as a mechanism for improving the n the er the landscape .
2 In Birmingham , local residents are struggling to stop , or at least change the nature of the giant new retail redevelopment , designed by Chapman Taylor & Partners for the developers London & Edinburgh Trust , which is planned to replace the infamous early Sixties Bull Ring .
3 In his spare time , however , he is constructing a Silence of the Lambs-style cage in his garage near Armadale which is intended to frighten the living daylights out of anyone who enters it .
4 The " continuum " which is said to link the high and low varieties results from the fact that individuals in the community have differential access to these varieties depending on their social status and social relationships at home and at work .
5 Near the Lindenhof there is St Peter 's church , which is said to have the largest clock face in Europe ( nearly 29ft in diameter ) .
6 More people die of respiratory infections than any other cause in Mexico City , which is said to have the dirtiest air in the world .
7 It is this willingness to buy anything , and our increasing ability to go into debt to do it , which is helping to power the so-called North American recovery .
8 Omri Serlin notes in his ’ FT Systems ’ newsletter that IBM is out to establish CICS as an industry standard , positioning it to compete with USL 's Tuxedo , Transarc Corp Encina and NCR Corp 's Top End and clearly threatening USL which is trying to do the same for Tuxedo .
9 The ship which is built to sail the Great Sea will not upset the balance . ’
10 SNOW , high winds and bitter disagreement yesterday further hampered attempts to tame Mount Etna , which is threatening to overrun the Sicilian town of Zafferana with millions of tons of volcanic lava .
11 The DBMS allocates space on disk and a record is allocated to a particular slot via a randomising ( or hashing ) algorithm which is designed to use the allocated space efficiently .
12 This is to construct a much smaller portfolio ( say , 15–100 shares , rather than 500 or 1700 shares ) which is designed to track the full index , that is to say , an arbitrage portfolio .
13 Another innovative programme , ‘ Women and Information Technology ’ , which is designed to increase the female participation rate in this vocationally important field , forms part of the provision .
14 7.1 Each of the Parties agrees during the term of this Agreement not to participate in any project which competes with the Project or which is designed to fulfil the same or similar objects .
15 Bees recognise their dead colleagues by means of a ‘ sign stimulus ’ — a single key feature of an object which is taken to represent the entire object .
16 a share which pays an annual dividend of 30p which is expected to remain the same for the foreseeable future .
17 He is also chairman of Lloyd 's , the insurance market which is expected to announce the worst loss in its 300-year history later this month .
18 The contract has been awarded to Shepherd Construction , which is expected to start the 22-month programme of work on the ten-year-old centre on April 13 .
19 The company also said that it will continue with its application to the Department of Trade and Industry to operate a ‘ personal communications network ’ , which is expected to present the same opportunities in the next decade as cellular mobile radio is doing in this .
20 This might be something that has a legitimate place in the original complex equation — it might be peace education , anti-racism or teachers ' rights — but which is inflated to fill the whole screen .
21 It is important that individual assessments do identify such needs , since it is precisely this information , collated over time , which is meant to inform the overall process of forward planning by agencies .
22 The Investment Overview is an anonymous document which is used to arouse the initial interest of potential acquirers .
23 For the one-phase.on excitation scheme the correction factor is 1.5 , which is used to multiply the approximate result , so :
24 It regards the private sector as the source of wealth creation , part of which is used to subsidize the public sector .
25 Separation is not always the factor which is chosen to delimit the marital rape exemption .
26 It 's a first year course which is attempting to teach the necessary basic physics that engineers require .
27 On the other side of the energy account book is the surface energy , 2 G.l , which is needed to form the new surfaces and clearly this increases only as the first power of the depth of the crack .
28 Community is part of the job but it needs good management ( paying teachers , costing the use of premises , the division of time other than that which is needed to provide the national curriculum ) as well as a personally felt sense of value .
29 The goals on which the comment in this section will concentrate are the major ones of ( a ) obtaining the range of social and demographic data which is needed to interpret the linguistic material and ( b ) stimulating large amounts of conversation with as little interference as possible from the observer .
30 Paula Yates is positioned as the fluffy bimbo , and Muriel Gray is the one who stalked through the set being rather rude to the bands and deconstructing the whole female persona ; I think she 's trying to do the same now with the chat show .
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