Example sentences of "[pron] [is] [verb] [prep] the most " in BNC.

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1 SIR , — I disagree with F. O. ter Kuile and colleagues ' conclusions ( April 24 , p 1044 ) about the anti-malarial drug mefloquine , which is regarded as the most effective such medication at present .
2 ‘ Black society , as does the dominant white society , teaches its members to strive for that which is defined as the most desirable among potentially achievable goals ’ , observes Harry Edwards about the American scene ( 1973 , p.201 ) .
3 Erm everything is done in the most accurate way we can .
4 There is no attempt to zoom in on solo instruments , and indeed not signs of unwelcome engineering anywhere ; one is left with the most natural impression of a fine concert as heard from about Row S.
5 The only means he has of doing that is by accepting new clause S. He will have to come up with very convincing arguments to persuade any Hon. Member that he can not accept it , but it is framed in the most uncontentious way anyone could imagine .
6 Consequently , it can be planned so that it is raised at the most appropriate time for it to be dealt with effectively .
7 The interest of this curious bower is much enhanced by the manner in which it is decorated with the most gaily-coloured articles that can be collected , such as the blue tail-feathers of the Rose-hill and Pennantian Parrakeets , bleached bones , the shells of snails , & c some of the feathers are inserted among the twigs , while others with the bones and shells are strewn about near the entrances .
8 Again , it is set in the most spectacular countryside and well worth taking your camera to .
9 The current budget for these activities is very low , and we therefore need to ensure that it is spent in the most cost-effective way possible .
10 Today , he is hiding behind the most junior available Minister in another Department .
11 ONE OF the most important lessons of game theory is that even if everyone is agreed on the most desirable course of action — for example , nuclear disarmament — a collection of individuals or nations acting independently may find it difficult to achieve the most desirable aims .
12 More importantly , they show how , even in what is regarded as the most basic type of communication , the context that is relevant to the disambiguation of deixis should be seen not as a physical setting that is fixed and given once and for all , but rather as a cognitive space that is actively constructed by participants in the course of the interaction .
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