Example sentences of "[pron] [vb infin] [pron] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Stair thrust an arm around him , laid his head on Neil 's shoulder , and said , ‘ Let me treat you to a good ‘ un at Rachel 's , Neil , ’ which completed the destruction of any desire Neil might have had to treat himself .
2 ‘ May I refer you to an unimpeachable authority : Mr John Camden Hotten , author of a biography of Dickens , and also , he paused impressively , a life of Thackeray , refers to it in 1870 as Bleak House .
3 May I associate myself with the Prime Minister 's remarks about Queen Elizabeth II ?
4 Will I do it on the other side ?
5 Can I interest you in an aerial photograph of your house ? ’
6 ‘ Never , ’ writes Boswell , ‘ did I see him in a better frame ; calm , gentle , wise , holy ’ — with Johnson opining that the essence of the Crucifixion lay in showing to the world that even the Son of God suffered on account of sin , and in doing so , displayed how heinous a thing sin must be .
7 Can I take it towards the wrong one ?
8 Right , can I take you to the amended recommendation on page forty nine .
9 If I 'm allowed to have food , why ca n't I have it in the same cell as Elaine ? ’
10 Tomorrow morning may I invite you to a complimentary breakfast of tinned yam , tinned pineapple , tinned paw-paw , Belgian coffee , German rolls , Swiss sugar and English butter processed and packed in Kenya ?
11 Why was n't you in registration or did I tell you about the blooming black board ?
12 Why was n't you in registration or did I tell you about the blooming black board ?
13 Can I press you to a candied starfish ? ’
14 Could I put them in the soft box ?
15 May I illustrate it with a true instance of what one industrialist did , who took this challenge seriously .
16 May I ask you about a serious point of order , Mr. Speaker ?
17 Without warning she reached her hand sideways and took mine and pressed it , as if to give me courage ; and perhaps to make me identify her with the original , gentle Lily .
18 Eva could be snobby , that was obvious , but if I saw something , or heard a piece of music , or visited a place , I would n't be content until Eva had made me see it in a certain way .
19 They go in for the emotional point of view , and I thought it would help them see me in a fatherly light , giving him my own name .
20 Why could n't she treat him with the same cool indifference as he showed her ?
21 Fergus felt a surge of real anger now , because how dare she treat him as an inferior , how dare she speak to him as if he was no more than one of her serfs , a possession , a pawn , a thing .
22 So , what , what word do you make it into an open question ?
23 ‘ Ah , Gina … how could you compare me with an insensitive brute like that ? ’
24 How could she describe herself as a revolutionary , a serious person , if she were a thief ?
25 Would you trust him/her to a permissive relationship with contemporary television ?
26 How do you know which of the thousands of children 's books published every year are best for your own , individual children ?
27 ‘ Would you know it from a real Poussin ? ’
28 Well my mother was one of the pillars of the Palfrey church and er she er oh I went , my father never used to go , but she used to go and of course I , I used to be an altar server down there when I got a bit older I did for a week or two to the erm do you know anything about an Anglo-Catholic Church I mean where they swing the incense and there is this little boy with the boat ?
29 ‘ Do you know anything of the Old Ones , or the carvings that are in the museum ? ’
30 I said well do you know anybody with a good ?
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