Example sentences of "[pron] [to-vb] up [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It concluded ‘ that there would be little trouble in finding someone to take up the unassigned bonds when it is known that bonds in Sunningdale and other golf links have increased nearly 50% since their issue ’ .
2 Obviously , an employee is free to apply for another position even with a rival of his present employer , or to find premises in which to set up a future business so long as in doing so he is not in breach of any valid express term in his employment contract : see Searle ( GD ) & Co Ltd v Celltech Ltd [ 1982 ] FSR 92 .
3 The human being ( a far more complex creature inhabiting a far more complex world ) needs to be highly adaptive and has a long period of play in which to build up a vast repertoire of behaviours .
4 German nationalism was very largely a search for a lost , elusive , mythical unity with which to bind up the German states in a re-animated , re-invented version of German history .
5 Leaving you to patch up the little cuts and grazes that germs love so much .
6 Leaving you to patch up the little cuts and grazes that germs love so much .
7 This allows you to set up a different sound by altering the mid emphasis , coupled with selectable additional boost which can then be triggered by either the front panel ‘ enable ’ switch or via a footswitch .
8 While wrinkles may be beginning to appear on Sun 's ONC — and the market waits on a fully-configured commercial DCE package — NobleNet is positioning itself to mop up the interim business , targeting developers with mixed proprietary and open architectures and non-communicating RPC 's .
9 Lengthy booklists are expensive and dull : with some time and effort it will be possible for you to build up a personal library and reference system which is individually geared to your particular needs , and one which helps you to build on your existing knowledge rather than attempting to start again from scratch .
10 And your own personal ‘ diata ’ will help you to build up the long term eating habits that are necessary for good health .
11 If you over oil the skin it will be too slippery to enable you to build up the necessary friction .
12 These are very useful , as they enable you to balance up the individual microphone inputs with a degree of precision which is not easy to achieve simply by listening on headphones .
13 The bad news is that your pass is for today and Friday , and Lil wo n't allow you to make up the lost time in the field .
14 Many people use them to build up a tax-free fund for youngsters which they get at 18 or 21 , although you are restricted to one scheme per person .
15 I ask them to build up a Personal Language Profile ( either on their own or by interviewing each other ) which they then share with others in the group .
16 times of I mean , I actually think it 's a an awful lot of ask of a friendship , or of a family situation and also , indeed , if you I mean I think sometimes they can be very supportive but th the true understanding may not be there and erm I think that 's what led me to start up a self- help group in Edinburgh erm which is , has been erm running for the last two years now .
17 She and Jim talked together secretly about leaving the house and going off to somewhere ‘ more committed ’ , but Phoebe could not bring herself to give up the only home she knew of , could not bring herself to choose absolutely Jim 's commitments over the women 's commitments .
18 The ghost plot — Swayze gets killed , and before he can go off to heaven he has to save his girlfriend Demi Moore from the bad guys — is really just a gimmick , there to dress up the standard Swayze package with a few special effects and an impossibly sentimental ending .
19 The improvements keep coming and have inspired him to draw up a four-point plan for Vets :
20 I 'd been expecting her to put up a stiff rearguard action , protesting that holidays were one thing and everyday life another , that she had only surrendered to me in a moment of weakness which she would regret for the rest of her life , and so on and so forth .
21 His injuries forced him to give up the coveted mount on Cool Ground .
22 To the very last he consulted his own common sense rather than the orders of his doctors whom he detested because they advised him to give up the roast meats that he loved .
23 And we 'd go across and I would help him to couple up the various coaches and that .
24 Even when I can understand all they are saying , they give me little opportunity to reply , so anxious are they to keep up the headlong momentum of their own speech ; then they complain that I say nothing !
25 Theda threw her a grateful look , and hurried after Miss Merchiston , whose familiarity with the steep staircase enabled her to keep up a cracking pace .
26 And no , no , I would n't want her to end up the same way as I did . ’
27 In this extract Roddy 's parents want him to take up a useful hobby :
28 It was too early for me to think up a brilliant reply .
29 Save any vegetable water and use it to whip up a healthy cocktail or as a basis for gravy .
30 Yellow is more stimulating , so use it to brighten up a cold room
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