Example sentences of "[pron] [to-vb] [adv] from [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Those of you who are still concerned about our results should take comfort in the fact that these are early days and with the season barely three-quarters over we still have ten games remaining in which to pull away from the bottom .
2 ‘ Now that I know your ghost I do n't even have to wait for you to come home from the sea . ’
3 This key enables you to exit immediately from the option , without performing any additional processing .
4 PF1/6 — the ABORT key allows you to exit immediately from the option , without carrying out any further processing .
5 Did the Notting Hillbillies project help you to get away from the pressures of ‘ stardom ’ , and get back to the ‘ pub band ’ gig situation ?
6 That this principle applies even to a person convicted of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment seems to me to emerge clearly from the decision in this court in Reg. v. Board of Visitors of Hull Prison , Ex parte St. Germain [ 1979 ] Q.B .
7 He tells me to meet him at the magistrates ' court the following morning , tells me to keep away from the scumbags .
8 There was something else now ; something that had n't been immediately apparent to Cardiff , but had been seen by the others straightaway and which was causing them to back away from the wall .
9 Boy would have been happiest to stand on the end of a pier from which big ships , real proper ocean ships , embarked ; but he would have settled for just an ordinary pier , a small one — so long as it was big enough for him to walk away from the city , into the wind , turn his back on everything and stand there looking west at an empty sea , or a far horizon , and think about America , or somewhere .
10 The magistrates , bailing Raper until March 30 for probation officer 's reports , warned him to stay away from the Archdeacon .
11 Gould received an official apology from West Midlands police yesterday over their part in the decision to force him to stay away from the Cup replay , but he may still take legal action .
12 It was unlike him to stay away from the office at all without telling me , though if something unexpected happened , I could understand that .
13 Dorothy Mitchum , his wife since 1940 , tried to get him to move away from the West Coast after eight years of marriage , but he did n't want to leave so she and the children left him to go and live in New York .
14 I hope not , er mostly they will have told me to stay away from the lad like — he 's harmless , you know what I mean ?
15 She was n't keen on her three rather quieter children being involved , and asked them to return home from the farm if the W children arrived to play .
16 ‘ Our strengthened balance sheet will enable us to benefit fully from the opportunities which the recovery will offer across our range of activities . ’
17 ‘ Our strengthened balance sheet will enable us to benefit fully from the opportunities which the recovery will offer across our range of activities . ’
18 Satellites and cellular telephones allow us to converse instantaneously from a London street to the Australian outback .
19 This concept of individual timetables enables us to get away from the focus on the family or household as an undifferentiated unit , and to understand something of the complex patterns which evolve when individuals ' lives are woven together over the period of their lifetimes .
20 Anything to get away from the noise , Robert could imagine him thinking .
21 ‘ I see no reasons for us to shy away from the concept of a Federal Reserve-type of European Central Bank , operating as in the United States on a decentralised basis ’ , Sir Leon said in a lecture in London .
22 We will be asked why the House diverted its attention towards those sceptics who persuaded us to shy away from an agreement at Maastricht .
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