Example sentences of "[pron] [to-vb] [pers pn] [adv] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Particularly when she wishes you to escort her back to Les Hiboux .
2 Not all class members can attend rallies etc , they , and the Society , depend on you to keep them up to date with the latest stock .
3 Well I 'd have to make something to mount it on to go right on the corner but
4 He needs something to bring him back to life something to live for .
5 We buy a nice little time manager thing , with little pink elephants in it , and goodness knows what , and we spend eight hundred pounds to get something to tell us how to time manage , and you really get enthusiastic about this for three months , and then you put it in the drawer and go back to your diary .
6 ‘ I do n't think there have been any new developments since yesterday morning , but I 'll run through them to keep you up to date . ’
7 so I 'll get them to send it off to Linda
8 The Lucy Ghost Ring is there to bring us back to Germany . ’
9 If he had allowed her to take him back to London , he might have been stuck for life with a woman in her thirties ( and getting older by the day ) .
10 for another two hundred pound for if I get it right is it to fetch it over to Mansfield or their
11 and the doctor advised me to take him back to Rhodesia
12 The matron we had then , a supercilious woman , told me to take her along to Thorn House , as they 'd know what to do .
13 There was nothing to link them directly to Zoser . ’
14 ‘ Told me to bring you up to date with the news . ’
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