Example sentences of "[pron] [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 He put some very special old wine on the table in front of the King and said , ‘ Duke Michael offers you this wine and asks you to drink it for love of him . ’
2 I 'm afraid no matter how good your advocacy performance is , you 're never going to get an ovation like that , and we wo n't expect you to do it in front of that size of audience either .
3 We 'd like you to put them in order of priority to agree with our judges ' decision .
4 I do n't mind Come Up and See Me being released ; God willing it will go high enough for them to invite me on Top Of The Pops !
5 Love and nature both advised her to have him without thinking of complications , to delight in passion without considering future pain .
6 What is more , many older people , their own feelings notwithstanding , allow us to cheat them into acceptance of this outlook for themselves .
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