Example sentences of "[pron] [to-vb] [prep] [adj] [noun] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Canan and her boss know exactly what to expect from each other : ‘ It 's far easier for me to work for another Turk because I can talk about pay rates and things like that more openly .
2 When you 're in the Alps , having a car allows you to drive to different resorts if either poor snow or long queues in yours is a problem .
3 But it 's more convenient for you to go in that church if anybody else
4 Some employers may encourage you to start with fewer hours than you think you can manage , with the intention of adding to these as you gain more confidence .
5 The variety of course combinations may seem bewildering at first sight , but they result from having a flexible system which tries to allow you to move to new subjects if you find them more attractive than the subjects which you first chose .
6 Okay I 'm going to ask each of you to speak for three minutes so you might like to jot that down .
7 This darkness and this cloud is betwixt thee and thy God , and telleth thee that thou mayest neither see him clearly by light of understanding , nor feel him in sweetness of love in thine affection , and therefore shape thee to bide in this darkness as long as thou mayest , crying after him that thou lovest …
8 Is my right hon. Friend at all surprised that the local health authority wants nothing to do with that document because it is pure Labour party propaganda and a cynical manipulation of the elderly and the frail ?
9 The true reason was that I want nothing to do with that country while it remains as it is , and if it had n't been for Jean-Paul I 'd have ceased all our operations out there years ago . ’
10 Er I mean , all I want Win , is something to do for four years than sit at home being a housewife and hang yourself as well !
11 Lastly , the question as to whose standard terms govern the contract , or even if there is a contract at all , is a difficult one to solve under English law where the parties exchange standard form contracts and then do not negotiate on them .
12 The vast 100ft gallery allowed one to move from each painting as from event to event , marking its relation to the last .
13 These provide firms with product and service differentiation that allow them to compete on other bases than merely those of costs and prices .
14 Ms Brenda Dean , general secretary of Sogat ( Society of Graphical and Alled Trades ) said : ‘ The decision will give the green light to a small minority of cynical police officers , encouraging them to build in unnecessary delays when they are investigating their own . ’
15 Edgar thanked the Danes for their support and allowed them to live under such laws as they might choose , and it must be significant that Swegen landed in Lincolnshire when he made his bid for the kingship in 1013 , and that in 1066 King Harald of Norway made for York , where he had hopes that the citizens would assist him in his endeavours .
16 They expected me to live on supplementary benefit so I was having to work the street , trying to get my house together .
17 On the other hand , on a different occasion she expressed feelings of depression and powerlessness in the face of professional opinion , conceding that she might allow him to go to residential school if it could be shown that it was in his best interests .
18 I persuaded her to come on this course because I thought it would be a change for us both . ’
19 Teach her to step into both shoes as one operation and then fasten each shoe as a second operation .
20 When you have considered the brief provided can we please discuss the detail and objective to allow me to expand on any points before you make a response .
21 Artemia nauplii , microworm , and sifted pond foods are suitable first foods for the fry , allowing them to graduate onto larger foods as appropriate .
22 The court to which an application for a stay of action should be made is the court in which that action is pending and the court can either stay the action or allow it to continue on such terms as it thinks fit ( s 285(2) ) .
23 I do n't know what to do about this milk if it 's still two lots , have we nearly finished the one we 're on ?
24 Children need to know what to do in these cases if they are to get at the truth , and they also need to be shown that print is not necessarily infallible .
25 I did not know what to make of these people until , years later , I read the novels of François Mauriac .
26 It is common for them to drown in heavy rain because they stand gazing skyward with their beaks open to see where the rain is coming from .
27 What inversion of values makes us to look upon such aberrations as though they were a reflection of natural laws ?
28 But do you only deal with history or have you had anything to do with this exhibition as to the trams and , and trolley buses here ?
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