Example sentences of "[pron] [to-vb] [verb] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Just before Christmas , Sir Peter Levene , the head of procurement at the MOD , sent a letter to all defence industry suppliers asking them to postpone sending invoices to the department for a month : officials needed to remedy a £400m ( $780m ) overrun on their year-to-date budget .
2 Initially , Laura told her to start making samples at the Leeswood factory in Cheshire , but , determined that no one should interfere , did not inform anyone else there what Anne was doing .
3 Way back in 1957 I had talked my boss into allowing me to learn to fly helicopters with the British European Airways Helicopter Unit at Gatwick and in 1960 I sat in on the first ground school course BOAC conducted for their senior captains converting to the first Boeing 707s .
4 Hewlett-Packard Co denies that there is any pressure on it to deliver multiprocessing workstations despite the hype surrounding Sun Microsystems Inc 's latest salvo of desktops and servers , which use multiple SuperSparc micrprocessors .
5 Hewlett-Packard Co denies there is any pressure on it to deliver multiprocessing workstations despite the hype surrounding Sun Microsystems Inc 's latest salvo of desktops and servers which use multiple SuperSparc CPUs .
6 In return for their addresses he would allow me to stop doing press-ups in the mud .
7 From 1899 , the intention of the clergy to assume and maintain absolute control of their schools led a number of them to refuse to appoint members of the Irish National Teachers ' Organization so as to avoid trade union interference .
8 Anti poll tax complainers in Oxfordshire will be lobbying the Vale of White Horse District Council this evening , asking them to refuse to use bailiffs in the collection of the community charge .
9 ‘ The Jockey Club wants to charge us more than it costs us to obtain riding plans at the moment , ’ said Gavin Bargate , the PA 's Racing Service Editor .
10 When we had just married our only gas consumption was the cooker , but we had a bill which would have enabled us to have cooked meals for the whole of Harrow .
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