Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] have [been] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I can honestly say I ca n't remember a show I definitely did n't like doing , although I might have been in some that did n't turn out as I though they would . ’
2 This very large accession takes up where the first deposit stopped , and covers the years 1861 to 1920 , in addition to some titles and papers of earlier date which must have been at some time extracted from their proper place .
3 Gould 's arrangements for his own children were meticulously considered , which must have been of some consolation to his wife , who had dutifully resolved to accompany her husband to Australia .
4 , take some photographs of car parks , should of been there weeks ago and she and you have to be ready for , she should have been in this week how he 's going to get them to do that , there 's a train , there 's a er few hours service or what , it 's gon na cost a bomb And he 'll probably end up paying for it cos he I do n't know whether he 's doing it or not , it 's what he should of been doing .
5 For a while , she thought she could have been at any moderately boring Christmas party .
6 There was no one else in the hotel who could have been of any possible interest to the assassins . ’
7 Back home she 'd have been in some nice comfortable clinic .
8 If I had my way you 'd have been off this boat days ago .
9 The first visit to Brussels , the amend , the first visit to Brussels we had to go and bail you out because the Commission , the Commission , we could have been in this er
10 At the time of the lobby revolt , ‘ No one could have been in any doubt that if they went over to [ the rebel papers ' ] side , they would cook their goose with Number Ten . ’
11 We must never forget , mind , either you or me , if it had n't been for Mrs Aggie and her yard , God knows where we would have been at this minute .
12 Do you imagine that we are the way we are about money because of mother or because we would have been like that anyway ? ’
13 This is the question which everyone ought to ask himself , and the only question — are we as a nation in a better position to prosecute the war as a consequence of it than we would have been by any other arrangement ?
14 They must have been at that game for ages — and no anaesthetics , either .
15 The Ministry did tell us not to waste effort growing flowers , but somehow one always felt they were not quite as right as they might have been on that one .
16 They might have been like this for three centuries , and could be for three centuries more .
17 They were n't twins , but they could have been in some respects , she realised .
18 In fact they are no more adequate for primitive societies than they would have been for any others .
19 And they would have been at that muckle supper .
20 It may have been through this same intuitive process that he first decided to move towards the field of Art Education .
21 It may have been during this period that he was supported by a canonry in St Peter 's , to which he later referred as pope .
22 It may have been at this time that the name Saladin began to mean something to him .
23 A predisposition to stress such as that apparently suffered by the accused in the present case might fall foul of this restriction and it may have been for this reason that the Court of Appeal preferred to regard the case as one which might have been disposed of under section 78 had not the trial judge wrongly taken the view that that section also requires some misconduct on the part of the police .
24 Impressive reading it may have been for some , but tantalizing for the men and they certainly rose to the occasion .
25 I think the department of Health was swayed rather more than it should have been by that lobby , because the sort of service that was intended to set up in Camberwell has not yet been set up .
26 He should have been like that , happy with a wife and children .
27 Considering how many times he must have been through this script , there are a lot of ‘ ums ’ and ‘ you knows ’ and pauses , but eventually we get there .
28 He had been Town Sergeant from 1846 , and a formidable character he must have been to any offender .
29 He started to give her expert directions and it was plain that he must have been to this particular establishment before .
30 It also gives the information that Rolle was " accustomed to show himself very familiar to recluses , and to those who needed spiritual consolation " and it must have been during this period of his life that he met his disciple Margaret de Kirkeby .
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