Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] be in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Himself is right : half of them must be in the pay of the Foley Street mob .
2 I was beginning to think I must be in the doghouse for some reason . ’
3 Nowadays the public attitude is much more likely to be : I must be in the house at 10.30 to watch Sports Report or whatever .
4 ‘ I 'm sick of reading that I should be in the England side .
5 I should be in the way , ’ he said firmly .
6 But I should be in the way from here on .
7 I 'll be in the lab if you need me . ’
8 ‘ Er — I 'll be in the Public .
9 ‘ Look , I 'll be in the bar in fifteen minutes .
10 I 'll be in the bar .
11 She said wearily , ‘ I 'll be in the villa if you need me .
12 The house is open to the public that day , so I 'll be in the kiosk answering questions from people and occasionally thinking about what 's happening in London .
13 I 'm in the easy stage , the first few days when you just sleep and eat , but quite soon I 'll be in the hell of denial , Mr Breakspear . ’
14 I 'll be in the study if you want me . ’
15 ‘ If I come through that without any reaction I 'd like to think I 'll be in the frame for the return leg with Stuttgart . ’
16 I 'll be in the pool until later , then in the villa for a siesta . ’
17 I 'll be in the gym . ’
18 I 'll be in the bath . ’
19 I 'll be in the library for the next hour or so , if there should be a message for me . ’
20 I 'll be in the staff room recuperating after a hard morning 's work .
21 Yes , I 'll be in the morning .
22 Well then I 'll be in the nursing home
23 I 'll be in the motor home .
24 do n't no do n't say that to her or I 'll be in the dog house
25 I 'll be in the front ter show 'im the way an' it should take us about twenty minutes ter Wappin' .
26 I 'll be in the front tonight .
27 I 'll be in the Tarleton about nine ; will I see you , Vi ? ’
28 Looking back , I suppose I was worried someone might be in the chamber . ’
29 Yeah , its just er I feel you know its , its a waste of your life , you know sitting , I have to drive through the , the necessity to work every day , its an hour of my day spent just behind a wheel when I could be in the train , you know reading or doing something more productive
30 If only I had wings , Oh what a difference it would make to things , All day long I 'd be in the sky , up on high , Talking to the birdies that pass me by
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