Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] go [adv] through the " in BNC.

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1 I 'd go down through the choir practice room and St Andrew 's chapel beneath it , make a quick call at the sacristy ( where Holy Harding does his serving ) , then cross the quire to the south side , where , with the help of the Talisman of Shag , I would enter the-spiral stair at ground level , and so — relicless but , hopefully , bearing precious manna for the invalid — to the Sanatorium ( formerly known as the Wheel Room ) and , after that , bed .
2 She 'd go in through the back .
3 Or er , just affecting households or is there a special dispensation for hotels , hospitals , commercials , er , commercial establishments , Crown property , Buckingham Palace , and any of the Royal homes , go right through , you can go right through the card ?
4 At one end there are double doors , so that you can go in through the outer door and shut it before opening the inner door — which means there 's less chance of a bird escaping .
5 You can go out through the door behind you .
6 We 'll go straight through the presentations , and then there is an opportunity , obviously for you to ask questions or , and to join in generally discussion .
7 Right , we 'll go up this way , through the promena along the promenade , and then we 'll go back through the town and it 'll be time to get the others from school by then .
8 We can go back through the Wolfwood and hope that we reach our original road again , ’ he said .
9 I mean they they would go right through the process of buying something on credit , and it would be fine until it got to , Erm where do you live .
10 Erm only part of it will burn and it 'll go out through the exhaust , the
11 It 's a bit like a boxer dog because Derek 's sis sister had a boxer dog and he used to we used to walk along country lanes and then he 'd pi , he used to see something he used to go straight through the hedge !
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