Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] him [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The point dogs catch him and one of them nips him on the leg — take that for being more popular with the boss .
2 Does a man do murder because a mate of his riles him in a pub or because he 's got more money than he has ? ’
3 There was a man who went off to Amsterdam to buy some diamonds , I helped his secretary book his ticket , first class , and his limousine , smooth as clockwork , and as he 's walking along a canal admiring the house fronts someone stabs him in the back , destroys a kidney , gangrene sets in , now he 's dead .
4 Also , I have found Mr Hauser has a Lear jet which flies him across the world plus a Sikorsky helicopter which I saw taking off from the grounds of Livingstone Manor .
5 Alternatively , a person may place himself in a dangerous position which exposes him to the risk of involvement in the accident in which he is harmed .
6 The visitor of the last stanza comes ‘ more violent , more profound , / One soul , disdainful or disdained , ’ and in the condition of the year-spirit or , ‘ his shadowed beauty stained / The colour of the withered year ’ , to go to a death which places him in the position of savage sacrifice and , for he is surely related to the saints of Eliot 's other early poems , martyr ‘ Self-immolating on the Mound ’ .
7 This was Il Giasone ( 1649 ) which shows him at the height of his powers in the melodious aria with violin imitations ( e.g. Jason 's ‘ Delizie contente ’ , Act I , SC.2 ) , in drama ( e.g. Medea 's conjuration , Act I , sc .
8 In fact , he has usually been regarded as the supreme Minimalist painter , but perceptions have been changing through a closer study of his earlier work which reveals him as an artist whose origins lie in painterly Abstraction .
9 She expects him to be an untidy swimmer , but is irritated to find that he has a smooth powerful crawl which takes him through the water swiftly and seriously .
10 SIMON McCRACKEN , a 21-year-old fullback , has made the jump from fourth division Blackwood to first division Newport in a style which stamps him as a player to watch .
11 The rule that delivery and payment are concurrent conditions ties in with the unpaid seller 's lien ( see Chapter 12 ) which entitles him in the absence of contrary agreement to retain the goods until payment .
12 But it is his run at Ayr last April which puts him in the picture for it showed that he had no trouble with a marathon trip as he stayed on strongly to beat Dalkey Sound carrying 11 stone in the Scottish National .
13 He can , then , only withdraw into his own culture which provides him with a sense of lived connections for his experiences but these are bounded by his enterprise and separate from the larger society .
14 But whether man 's inward mind patterning , which provides him with the capacity for verbal language , is underlain by a subtle and universal language of meaning to which we all relate when using verbal language , is an interesting possibility I discussed in The Web of Life .
15 Heroes : Augusto Odone , who refused to accept there was no cure for his son , and Nick Nolte , who plays him in the film Screen drama : Michaela Odone , played by Susan Sarandon , nurses her son Lorenzo , Zack O'Malley Greenburgh , in a moving scene from Lorenzo 's Oil Prof John Sargent : helped pioneer treatment
16 Later she sprays him with an atomiser .
17 She blames him for the break-up of the coterie .
18 Every day she meets him at the well , and every day he repeats the same request , till at last she yields .
19 She leads him by the hand , and from a distance they resemble those drawings of Christopher Robin dragging Winnie The Pooh along the ground .
20 When she kisses him as a woman , he dies : she casts herself into the Fire , taking his body with her : and Holly seems to see her alive and radiant , a woman whose sins have been compounded .
21 She takes him to a tailor ( hence the gorgeous green suit and bowler hat ) , hires a tutor and even buys him a car .
22 When she takes him into the living-room there is a kind of roar , and a man emerges from the background of people and easy chairs , and advances upon Howard , his arms outstretched , his deep , dark eyes raking back and forth over Howard 's face , soaking it in with eager amazement .
23 he 's either up the stairs well he came down one night right enough he was talking to his girl on the phone , she phones him through the week and er he was a bit depressed because he he had n't the money , he 's , he 's on the and he has n't really the money to give in for housekeeping plus try and get driving lessons and his daddy wo n't let him
24 For forty days she banishes him to the stables and piggeries .
25 She tells him about the street she was brought up in , its granular asphalt pavement ridged with long wavering bulges where they had been dug up to get at the gas and water mains , and overhung by waterfalls of laburnum , with front gardens marked off by low walls , some of them in crenellated brickwork , some in pebble-dash with decorative chains dipping above them that you could set swinging , one after another , as you walked by .
26 Therefore he is asking for trouble , and he receives it suddenly and in full measure , above the groundswell of heckling , at the hands of a divinity student who reminds him at the top of his voice about Fedka , a dangerous escaped convict now roaming ‘ our town ’ and originally a serf of Stepan 's whom he sold into military service to pay a gambling debt :
27 She follows him through a courtyard at the back , under an archway , and then on to a rough grass path that disappears into the trees .
28 Frank Peter Zimmermann is a fine artist , a most gifted player , who delivers admirable accounts of these three different Violin Concertos. he also has the advantage of committed and clearly well-rehearsed support from a very good orchestra under a talented conductor who follows him like a cat .
29 Edgar , on the other hand , has his father 's nature who saves him in the disguise of ‘ poor Tom ’ .
30 You see , he 's got thousands of titles and things , and she likes him into the bargain ; also she wants me to be presented at court next year — as his wife .
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