Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] n't [verb] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 None of those wretches were distinguished enough to get into Who 's Who so one does n't have anywhere to start from .
2 My husband 's sent for the doctor but he has n't arrived yet to confirm it . ’
3 ‘ It 's someone who 's lost his job , ’ says Rose , ‘ and he has n't got anywhere to live . ’
4 He 's got something malignant , cancer , and he has n't got long to live anyway . ’
5 An expert on altitude sickness says he has n't got long to live .
6 Baveno is a pretty village , although it does n't take long to explore it all .
7 Of course , you can just leave unwanted software on your hard disk , but with the average application taking up something between 10 and 20Mb , it does n't take long to fill your hard disk with junk .
8 The Very Revd Dr J. Fraser McLuskey , M.C. , who served as chaplain to the 1st Regiment , summed up its quality in his book Parachute Padre : ‘ It does n't take long to sense the atmosphere of a strange Mess .
9 Yes , at fifty instead of sixty , they said you retire at age fifty and we will make your pension up to what you would have got at age sixty and we will also do the same with you lump sum and so now you know , this and they did that with thirty thousand I think went in one year , it does n't take long to get rid of one point seven billion pounds when you 're doing for that er that number of people erm and
10 It does n't take long to get there .
11 It does n't take long to learn the basics of how to set it up and operate it .
12 She looks permanently worried , and it does n't take long to find why .
13 Why are we putting such huge proportions of our gross national product into schooling when it does n't seem actually to resolve the worst social problems , it does n't seem to erm improve erm greatly the prospects of employment and so on . ’
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