Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] be [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 The first pre-retirement courses were held in the United States in 1949 , but it is only in the last ten to fifteen years that the need for them has been recognised in the United Kingdom .
2 A second , less publicised but in many ways more interesting and far-reaching , experiment in new forms of work organisation is that which has been conducted in the other Swedish car company , SAAB , at Trollhatten .
3 Almost every excavation which has been conducted in the area bounded by the River Alne on the east and north-east , the marsh on the north and north-west , Ryknild Street on the west and the boundary ditch on the south has produced evidence , however slight , for structures of one sort or another , and it is clear that the whole town was several times the size of the walled area .
4 ‘ We would be paying the penalty of a sizeable but limited number of professional people , selected for their talent and experience , coming from one of the most successful societies which has been created in the 20th century . ’
5 Above Eaux-Bonnes is the ski resort of Gourette , which has been created in the kind of setting ski resorts ought to have , in pasture-land but at the foot of the formidable mass of the Pic de Ger to the south .
6 Here consultation of an inverted file which has been constructed in the indexing of the text may aid in identifying word forms and search terms .
7 And Norman cheeses too : genuine Pont-l'Evèque made on the farms of the Pays d'Auge from milk still warm from the cows ; Livarot , that powerful and marvellous cheese which has been made in the district since the thirteenth century ; even a good Norman Camembert can be found if you look .
8 I erm am raising this issue today , in order to give the Government the opportunity of telling the House what action they are proposing to take in respect of a serious error which has been made in the Rail Privatisation Legislation .
9 This link , which has been developed in the UK and Ireland , is unique within the European Community and has enabled insurance companies and pension funds to operate with greater freedom which in turn has resulted in greater value for the consumer .
10 The wisdom of this choice is confirmed by the excellent condition of the pilot tunnel dug during the 1880s which has been incorporated in the Eurotunnel 's design .
11 In addition I think there 's some inconsistency , because within Selby district , for example , a lot of development which has been advocated in the past and is likely to be allocated in the future is in places like Selby or Sherburn in Elmet , which again are much nearer to Leeds erm than potential new settlement sites to the South and South , South West of York , and yet objection has been raised to er that particular erm element in the planning strategy for Selby , and I I ca n't see the reason why a new settlement should be treated in any different way to any other form of development in that sense .
12 This statement defined the procedure which has been followed since October 1987 , and which has been applied in the case of all four appellants .
13 A suitable goal might be the attainment of ‘ a pleasant walking environment ’ , which has been defined in the NCC report What 's Wrong with WALKING ? as one which is :
14 The middle paragraph(s) of the letter gives the details of the business which has been introduced in the opening paragraph .
15 It is similar in kind to US dollar commercial paper which has been issued in the United States for many years .
16 Another proposal , which has been included in the set of draft amendments to the Federal Constitution , is that the income of ‘ organizations of associated labour ’ that arises from monopoly power , or from other special advantages , should be transferred to the federal government .
17 Three other firms have put in developments for the outskirts of the town , including Brook Park , off the A133 , which has been included in the draft local plan .
18 From Fosse Contracts , ( ) , the Leicester based company , comes the Novacrylic , a surface which originates from the United States and which has been installed in the White House , no less .
19 Since 1986 's ‘ It 's Only A Long Way Across ’ , his songs have come wrapped in an electric blanket which has been soaked in the bog-holes of Ireland and then dry cleaned in the side alleys of Greenwich Village .
20 This will also avoid the need for an overtime element during absences which has been required in the past .
21 In mentioning the directive er can I er pause very briefly er Mr Deputy Speaker to apologise to the house that this document was not made available at the draft stage er an unfortunate combination of human error and several failures of communications meant that the select committee was deprived of the opportunity to consider the directive at its draft stage , er I 've noticed the select committee 's report which has been put in the vote office in the usual way and acknowledge the government did not meet its scrutiny obligations with regard to this document in the normal means .
22 The process which has been described in the development of abstract social relations is also accomplished in the relationship between persons and things .
23 I would certainly join my honourable friend in condemning the advice which has been reported in the paper today er the government 's efforts to improve the campaign against truancy and the to succeed in getting errant pupils back to school which is where they should be , I believe is and should be widely supported .
24 There is an excellent course of standardised tuition which has been organised in the UK by the Royal Yachting Association ( RYA ) .
25 The exports included 96 tons of DDT , which has been banned in the US for 20 years .
26 One church which has been restored in the present century , belonged to the Augustinian order of white canons .
27 The arrow , which has been repaired in the centre at some time , is twenty-five and a quarter inches long and weighs seven ounces .
28 Nor is it the case that we in fact need a vehicle , a mythological story to carry our awareness of God , of the kind which has been fabricated in the west .
29 It is possible that many of the anti-microbial antibodies described in inflammatory bowel disease and other inflammatory disease states , may in fact be reflections of immunisation against microbial heat-shock proteins , which has been implied in the pathogenesis of several autoimmune disease states and which may induce anti-lactoferrin antibodies ( see below ) .
30 In order to match costs and revenue , cost of stock should comprise that expenditure which has been incurred in the normal course of business in bringing the product to its present location and condition .
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