Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] be [verb] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 In the intervening year , nothing has been done to right the wrongs of the decade , so what profit has been gleaned in the first year of the new leadership of the Conservative party ?
2 ICE also own a number of properties in nearby Nelson Street and plans are under way to improve those , possibly housing the London Road Development Association which has been created to oversee the regeneration of the nearby shopping area .
3 Although the new capital is selectively marketed by the company through its issuing house ( the financial institution , usually a merchant bank , which has been employed to organize the placing ) to its clients , the Stock Exchange still requires that 25 per cent of the total shares be with the general public .
4 Now to the second of our reports from HMS Gloucester , which has been helping to enforce the United Nations sanctions against Serbia .
5 AEA 's Computational Fluid Dynamics Services ( CFDS ) offer CFDS FLOW3D which has been developed using the most advanced numerical and graphical tools available .
6 Altogether 16 carpet companies are now part of the scheme which has been tailored to accommodate the new European Standard ISO 9002 .
7 The lawyers for the buy-out team may also represent the company which has been incorporated to effect the purchase — for brevity here called " Newco " .
8 ‘ I just do n't understand it , ’ he laughed , when we chatted about a career which has been chequered to say the least .
9 Well local people protesting in the area say they 'll fight the scheme and they plan to lobby the meeting of county planners at ten thirty in Northallerton this morning which has been called to discuss the scheme .
10 The organism Vibrio cholerae produces an enterotoxin which has been shown to inhibit the absorption of sodium and chloride ions ( via the coupled uptake mechanism mentioned above ) at the apical surface of the gut epithelium .
11 Interestingly , L1 may share an immunoregulatory function with another eosinophil product , eosinophil cationic protein , which has been shown to inhibit the proliferation of human T and B cells and also the immunoglobulin production of plasma cell lines in vitro .
12 To isolate these sequences we used the enzyme T 4 DNA polymerase which has been shown to enable the isolation of telomeres with virtually no loss of telomeric DNA ( 30 ) .
13 Under our Safer Cities programme , there are 124 schemes to improve street lighting , which has been shown to reduce the fear of crime significantly .
14 A nw but expensive regimen which has been shown to reduce the perinatal transfer of both Ancylostoma and Toxocara larvae is the oral administration of large doses of fenbendazole daily for three weeks before to three weeks after whelping .
15 The , the committee which has been probing probing the massive pensions theft by former Mirror publisher Robert Maxwell warns that this could be just the tip of the iceberg .
16 It 's all part of a new scholarship scheme which has been initiated to mark the parting of the iron curtain .
17 Dunrossness is the part of Shetland which has been expected to bear the most immediate social and economic changes relating to North Sea oil developments .
18 Our recent linkage analysis showed that the PGC gene is closely linked to the HLA cluster which has been investigated to determine the association with peptic ulcer disease .
19 Julie 's problems started when she drank water originating from the Farmoor reservoir near Oxford , which has been found to contain the cryptosporidium organism .
20 In relation to the question , although the work is to be performed for , and eventually paid for by , the US parent , it is the UK auditor who has been contracted to do the work .
21 ‘ When Data General showed us the changeover to the AV4100 , it took an hour , ’ says Geoffrey Holmes , a former publisher of ACCOUNTANCY who has been helping to re-implement the system .
22 Paul Daniels who has been known to turn the odd trick as has
23 The harlequin is enamoured of a young dancer who has been forced to marry the proprietor of the troupe .
24 Montgomeryshire Council chairman David Jones , who has been working to secure the Fortex investment , said : ‘ I am sure the site will prove to be the best for Fortex , Montgomeryshire and Mid Wales . ’
25 Mrs Jordan said she supported local councillor Joe Michna who has been fighting to save the common and to stop the sports complex licence .
26 A further matter of some importance is the Public Health ( Recurring Nuisances ) Act 1969 , which empowers a public health inspector who has been requested to visit the premises in question to issue a prohibition notice .
27 A user who has been nominated to pursue the SPR should either :
28 A user who has been nominated to pursue the SPR should either :
29 She has been known to stop the traffic on one of her book-signing sessions , a situation which eventually required the police to gently and good-humouredly sort it out .
30 Barnsley is an imposing 17th century manor house , which could all too easily be surrounded by the typically formal , landscaped gardens of the era.But ever since Rosemary Verey began gardening here thirty years ago , she 's been determined to make the four acres of grounds a welcoming place .
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