Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] [noun sg] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The tier of local government which accepts responsibility for the major spending departments of education and social services becomes dominant in financial terms and consequently in status .
2 In 1986 the International Whaling Commission , which has responsibility for the baleen whales , declared a moratorium on commercial whaling of the 11 great whales so that stock could be assessed .
3 One body which is not dragging its heels is the CBI , which wants space for an industrial design and enterprise centre — an idea backed by Westminster Council and the City Corporation .
4 Third , the power of any ‘ probouleutic ’ body ( that is , one which prepares business for a larger sovereign meeting ) will be enhanced the more often it , and the less often the sovereign body , meets .
5 Policy H two is a new policy which makes provision for a new settlement to help meet the development needs of the Greater York area .
6 Further support for the legitimacy of Rule 14e-3 may be derived from the introduction of new section ( ns ) 20A of the SEA 1934 which makes provision for a private right of action for contemporaneous traders against insiders in breach of Rule 14e-3 .
7 However , his appearance had been that of an eighteen-year-old , which makes nonsense for a second time of the press claims that Lord Haw-Haw was as puny in appearance as he had been in his human sympathies .
8 Rose , who has responsibility for the largest mortgage book in the South East of England , said she was delighted .
9 Under the 1980 Constitution as amended in November 1987 the executive President , who holds office for a six-year term and is eligible for re-election , is both head of state and head of government .
10 Popular pamphlets stressed heredity and environment as ‘ the two determining factors in our lives ’ , and pointed to the inevitable moral consequences for those who broke the laws of health : ‘ nature knows nothing about ‘ Forgive us our trespasses ’ … she demands payment for every one of her laws which is broken . ’
11 She rallies support for the endangered whale , catalogues underwater life and creates new devices in which to explore virgin sea worlds .
12 It is quite reasonable for a purchaser to assume that a vendor who sells land for a particular purpose will not do anything to prevent its being used for that purpose , but it would be utterly unreasonable to assume that the vendor was undertaking restrictive obligations which would prevent his using land retained by him for any lawful purpose whatsoever …
13 A litigant who seeks redress for a public law wrong in a private action must establish , in order to have standing , that the public law wrong has invaded some legal right of his or hers , recognized in private law , or has caused him or her some special damage .
14 Before that , however , the promising filly Hatoof , who disputes favouritism for the 1,000 Guineas with Musicale at 8–1 , is due to make her seasonal debut against five opponents in the Prix Imprudence at Maisons-Laffitte tomorrow .
15 It destroys hope for a better life .
16 He has sympathy for the small scale dealers : ‘ They 've been brought up in an entrepreneurial country under Thatcher where they 've been taught to make money .
17 As such , it has significance for the coastal communities of Wales around which there are concentrations of tanker traffic , and a growing interest in the search for new oil reserves .
18 In youth we struggle to match fashionable expectations against our own shadowy sense of self ; it takes time for a secure identity to be born out of this .
19 Of course it takes time for the increased number of women on the list to work through into actual appointments , but one of the purposes behind the Prime Minister 's initiative was to see that they did work through into actual appointments .
20 Though he professes scorn for the outmoded quaintness of things Victorian , Philip 's conception of life is modelled largely on the Victorian novel and its Edwardian successors .
21 Gandhi moves from impersonal to personal descriptions of God without difficulty and while he expresses preference for an impersonal God he is not averse to describing God in personal terms .
22 Based on current business levels and industry conditions , it expects turnover for the 1993 fiscal year to June 30 to be be between $1,250m and $1,300m .
23 More chaos awaits the Soviet Union unless it ditches perestroika for a Thatcherite purge of its economy
24 It gives scope for the hobby-electronics enthusiast to try out his own ideas , and for those who do n't the design as it stands provides a useful power supply unit .
25 In terms of selection theory it makes sense for an incoming male to kill the young , for the females then come into oestrus quickly and he can get his genes into the assembly line at the earliest opportunity .
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