Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] [adv] the [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 ( b ) The waggle dance , which says both the distance to and direction of a food source .
2 In a period of ten months in 1764 – 5 the Exeter Mercury reported the case of a man , wife , son and daughter-in-law jointly indicted for the murder of a girl apprentice by " beating and barbarously using her " ; the ill-treatment of a thirteen-year-old girl by a master and mistress who branded her on her buttocks , chained her for six hours to an apple tree and then beat her severely before making her work ; and a third case , which shows up the vulnerability to sexual abuse of children bound out by the parish , in which a man was sentenced for castrating two eight-year-old boys .
3 At the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine , work by Janet Hemingway on anopheline mosquitoes has shown that malathion specific resistance is inherited as a single gene controlling a carboxylesterase enzyme which breaks down the malathion to its monoacid .
4 The government 's circular ( 8/87 ) which lays down the guidelines to be observed stresses the importance of a spirit of confidence between parents , governors and teachers in the approach to this question .
5 This is supported by General Condition 2 of the Engineering and Computer Policies which sets out the action to be taken by the Policyholder on the happening of any event which may give rise to a claim .
6 Whose name the place is in does n't matter very much ; what 's more important is how long the marriage has lasted , what contributions each of you has made ( not just financial — the law considers the home-maker who brings up the children to be just as important as the breadwinner who brings home the money ) , and probably the most important factor , the future of the children .
7 It holds back the contribution to the economy of many highly skilled workers .
8 ‘ Cheap electricity 's the answer to the first — sod the cost to the environment so long as it keeps down the cost to the consumer .
9 It may just be that Clinton is taking advantage of the transition period until he takes over the Presidency to air some personal prejudices and satisfy the grievances of some of his supporters .
10 He goes in , he trips the toggle , the toggle jiggers the trapeze , the trapeze lets go the springy pole , it whips back , it pulls up the door to the basket … the big fish is the prisoner now .
11 In others he finds both the impulse to self-sacrifice , and their masculinity , quite complex ( p. 124 ) .
12 He demonstrates instead the extent to which oral and literate forms of language complement each other : ‘ The development of writing takes place within an oral framework of thought and this may continue to dominate the uses of literacy ’ .
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