Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] [verb] [art] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They 're just confirming that not everyone has to sing the same song .
2 There 's so many good bands and good records being made but the audience for them has remained the same size . ’
3 There 's so many good bands and good records being made but the audience for them has remained the same size . ’
4 A family which has run the same pub for two hundred and fifty years is holding a week of celebrations …
5 of the District Council which happens to meet the same day as the County Council and the Economic Development Panel so if I can get a copy fast enough I will get one over here and that same week it will be formally preserved
6 This geometric model ( a geometrically constructed system which seems to have the same properties as the Lorenz equations though the connection depends on several global properties of the flow which have not yet been proved ) has an attracting set , for a range of parameter values , which is a strange attractor , but which is a slightly different strange attractor at every parameter value in the range ( see below ) .
7 you make your sound and you carry on and on and on , I 'm gon na keep on taping different people 's make their sound and then we 're gon na see what it feels like you 're in hospital , okay , now it does n't matter if somebody 's got the same sound as somebody else , it 's no big deal , alright , because eventually they 'll all blend into each other , but as soon as I 've tapped you , make your sound , alright patients , come on where 's the machines ? okay , stop , now when did it start becoming out of hand ? , at one stage we did n't really know where we were to , once , once I say ten people , okay , and that was also due to the fact that we had perhaps too many erm patients moaning , alright , it was good in one respect because why , it made obvious that we were in a , a hospital well something like , but erm when you 're in smaller groups and you 're making your sound machines , obviously it 's much easier to control and to make the overall sound more realistic , do n't you think ? , so , mm , what we 're going to do is we 're going to get into different groups , into groups of four , five , no big deal , you 're welcome to only if you want to , and , you 're going to , each group is going to choose er a profession , okay , you can be brick layers , you can be er musicians , er you can be er gardener , I mean absolutely you can be factory workers , you can be absolutely anything , and what you 're going to do is you 're going to choose , each person will choose a sound which is represented of that particular person , er profession , okay , and you 'll going to make your sounds simultaneously so that as for the audience who are simply listening to you can just close our eyes cos we wo n't , you wo n't be acting you 'll be making these sounds and using , we 'll close our eyes and we 'll know exactly where we are , okay , and then after that once we 've done that just , before you choose your profession to know what this is going to lead onto , after that we 're going to put movements to that profession , so when , if you were in a factory going er putting bottles on , on top top of bottles , you would have the movements going and you would have the sound going and I want you to build up , up , the sound machine which becomes the movement machine as well , so you 're almost robotic so you , shh , shh , or whatever , however your sound , and each person does their thing in the factory or where ever they are and we will be able to see from listening and looking at the movements and obviously remember just because you 're not an example it does n't mean you ca n't talk , there might be for instance there would be a doctor going stand back , stand back , you know , er , in , in the you can use voices , but also obviously very , very effective to have sound voices , shh , shh , to create that part of it , have instruments , but this is how they actually started lay down sound tracks for movies , people specialize
8 And she wants to do the same things as us .
9 The manager who has watched the same side go out of the Scottish Cup to the Premier Division 's bottom club ( Falkirk ) while inflicting all manner of wounds on their championship prospects saw his players do well enough not to have their efforts diminished by dwelling on Rangers ' inertia .
10 The manager , who has watched the same side go out of the Scottish Cup to the Premier Division 's bottom club ( Falkirk ) while inflicting all manner of wounds on their championship prospects , saw his players do well enough not to have their efforts diminished by dwelling on Rangers ' inertia .
11 ‘ And she has made the same promise to me that I made to my mum and dad . ’
12 And she sits and she talks and she talks and she keeps repeating the same thing again .
13 Over the last five years , Martin Millar has stood alone as the one London novelist who seems to inhabit the same city as the rest of us .
14 she 's got the same accent and she 's from Kent and Martin
15 It 's hot in the kitchen , Bacon 's burning , now she 's used the same sort of thing , it 's hot in the kitchen Bacon 's burning , you too could use the play on words for the idea of bacon and burning and cooking and sizzling if you want to be really gruesome .
16 Ex manager Brian Horton is at the County Ground in Swindon tonight with his new team Manchester City … one of his big pals is Town boss John Gorman who 's got the same squad on standby tonight but may recall striker Jan Aage Fjortoft … the Norweigan was left out at Norwich in a tactical switch
17 Ex manager Brian Horton is at the County Ground in Swindon tonight with his new team Manchester City … one of his big pals is Town boss John Gorman who 's got the same squad on standby tonight but may recall striker Jan Aage Fjortoft … the Norweigan was left out at Norwich in a tactical switch
18 ‘ This coming from a man who 's got the same surname as where he comes from ! ’ splutters Granville .
19 In the past , the forecasts for the Semiconductor Industry Association have turned out to be over-optimistic , and this one appears to follow the same trend .
20 They are all individual , no one 's got the same fingerprints that you 've got .
21 Well there 's a contrast in personality and you do n't really know whether anybody 's got the same thing because nobody 's narrowed it down
22 Paul : ‘ It 's 'cos nobody 's got enough fingers in Brighouse , everybody 's got the same surname , y'see , so they had to look to Rastrick to help 'em out .
23 They have followed each other up the ladder , but whenever he has reached the same rung she has gone one better .
24 ‘ A consultant should be able to help you because , unlike you , he has faced the same problems elsewhere , ’ he said .
25 who comes two years later when he has to do the same price again and it costs him money or her .
26 All quite in order , of course , he has done the same thing at least twice before .
27 He has watched the same badger set for 46 years , he says , and with an average badger lifespan of under ten years , that means several generations .
28 Owen is making the point here that the sun once woke this man up , and every morning it has done the same thing , dutifully , as it had woken the rest of the world up too .
29 My second book , although it has used the same idea of telekinetic powers , has a completely different story line .
30 issued in 1604 : it happens to use the same fount of music type as the Select Songs in the Fairy Queen , and it occupies two and a half pages : it could not have been squeezed onto two .
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