Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] only [art] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 but I was only a gingerbread woman
2 How do you know ? he said , implying I was only the shop lad and what did I know ?
3 Well it was a wee bit under because I was only an office clerk , I , I was n't the junior but by then had come there and there were other , other clerks , some girls who 'd come into the office and I 'd got a little bit of step up you see and took over a little bit more important work , erm , I did just before I went in the Army have a dabble at erm running times , that was preparing the schedules for buses .
4 It was obvious that Matthew would have been more at home at the little desk by the window , where there was only a kitchen chair to sit on .
5 ( According to the Japan Industrial Robot Association there was only a 10% increase during 1991 . )
6 I mean , going back to nineteen eighty three for instance , in the whole of er area there was no adult day care at all and in at that time there was only the Road day centre for the learning disabled which , with the best will in the world , is not the jewel in our crown .
7 In her eyes it was only a stepping stone .
8 Life at Lille was easy and completely noneventful ; it was only a recruiting post used for clearing volunteers before they were despatched on to Paris .
9 So and smashed all the windows and everything in it erm so what 's that and as I say it was only a scrap van er and now he 'd bought the little chapel on the corner .
10 Walsh said : ‘ I was just a nobody and it was only a telephone call from Oldham coach Peter Tunks that persuaded me to apply .
11 Even if it was only a car driver 's license .
12 There was n't nothing to be afraid of — it was only a side bit with some trolleys and stuff in it .
13 All right , it was only a bounce game but one has a notion that there is a warning there which the Lions and their selectors will ignore at their peril .
14 It was only a postcard photo and I gave it spirituality , animation and took it to another vocabulary ’ .
15 I had rather a dread of this post 's conveyance for it was only a spring cart , and I thought I felt myself being bumped , but as it was I enjoyed this nine miles in the post gig better than all the drives I had had .
16 It was only a pistol shot .
17 To rugby now and on saturday Gloucester enjoyed their biggest and best win of the season … they beat Bristol thirty … eight eleven at Kinghsolm … shame it was only a club match
18 It was only a club game … sadly no league points to be won but victory over a side like Cardiff can only bring good to Gloucester … they went into the lead with two penalties from martin roberts …
19 We got full houses ( it was only the bar seating 65 ) and got asked back .
20 All right , I know it was hardly the All-England championships ; I know it was only the badminton club doubles competition .
21 It was only the Lancashire side 's second win in nine games and manager Joe Royle admitted : ‘ We needed that .
22 It was only the office holding of the Stanleys which was threatened , but even that may have been enough to drive them into opposition to Edward by 1470 .
23 It was only the office holding of the Stanleys which was threatened , but even that may have been enough to drive them into opposition to Edward by 1470 .
24 The wedding ring was n't cut off , it was only the engagement ring and we 've sold that .
25 It was standing , though , but it was only an hour play .
26 He was only a Repo Man .
27 He was only an office worker , of course , a clerk of sorts , Sally had said , not quite in the class that Paula intended to aim at , but very presentable for all that .
28 He was only the company manager .
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