Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] [vb pp] by the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The SPAR system was developed at Cambridge University Computer Laboratory while I was supported by the British Library and King 's College , Cambridge .
2 If ever I was tempted by the seductive stasis of an eidetic image , I punctured its reflecting skin with a dart and tore it away to reveal the structure of habit below .
3 I did n't buy any masks , but I was tempted by the matching two-foot-high figurines of King Birendra and Queen Aishwarya .
4 The rally I went to in Leicester in 1987 was neither so gross nor so damaging , but as a reasonably sympathetic onlooker , I was irritated by the frantic urgency and the artificial and inflated mood of tension , good for nobody 's judgment .
5 The cast was rather good , featuring Bill Nighy and his floppy blond hair and a very svelte-looking Charlotte Cornwell , though I was irritated by the unsympathetic little-and-large duo at the centre , with Janet McTeer towering above the tubby little Imelda Staunton ( as I recall , the heroine of the book hunted alone ) .
6 I was touched by the good wishes of the crew when I went ashore .
7 Anticipating the harsh lighting in our room , Leslie had brought with him some candles , and I was touched by the romantic tenderness of the gesture .
8 Upon awakening , I was stirred by the muted chug and hum of the neighbour 's Cadillac .
9 Yet I was reassured by the very vapidity of these doctors or joggers or bodybuilders , these vigour-experts — something to do with their unsmiling pursuit of the good life .
10 As a result I was ridiculed by the other children .
11 Talking to members of the Education Area about their researches , I was struck by the constructive relationships that they built up with the schools and groups that they studied .
12 She replied ‘ simply : ‘ One day reading the Bible I was struck by the simple and loving demands of Jesus on his disciples and the intolerable demands of those who claimed to be Christ for me .
13 " I was struck by the good health and spirits of your little one .
14 I was comforted by the little natural light that seeped through the canvas .
15 The journey by train from Cambridge to Lincoln was tedious , involving several changes , and on arrival I was met by the usual RAF truck for the half hour 's run into Binbrook village and from there up the steep hill to the RAF Station on its plateau above the low lying plains .
16 I was employed by the civil service to carry out special projects .
17 Then later I was selected by the local opera in Peking , as fiddle player and arranger .
18 His body was rich with the smell of sweat and kahlua and he sent me sprawling and hyper with untold hormones upon the bathroom tiles , but one day , suddenly , actually it was night , parked atop Mulholland Drive with the car windows steamed and the upright stick shift pressing painfully against my lower back and my head banging against the passenger door , I was paralysed by the heaving horny heaviness of him and my climax was full and first — first time ever — but followed by a limpness in my body , dull as the shade of putrid beige , and later I dreamed he had invaded me in sleep and crushed me with his broadness and with pillows , though Crilly it was not suffocation I feared , no , it was something more abstract , more bodily and carnivorous , something akin to nameless reptiles , and it was not so very different from the gun and the windbreaker blowing large and puffy about a stranger 's gut like a tent in my car at Pico Boulevard , and I so sure I would be found dismembered and crotchless and gory and absurd , strewn from limb to limb across the green tweed upholstery , unrecognisable in death , and again the windows steamed , the windows steamed with that hot clenched nameless fist inside me and the glide of cool metal against my neck , and then there were no thoughts , no words in my head , nothing .
19 I 'd seen plenty of funerals , but this was the first I 'd been involved in and I was fascinated by the splendid flowers and the well-groomed horses of the hearse and I forgot , for a moment , my fear .
20 And I suppose I was registered by the social worker as a single . ’
21 I was disgusted by the whole idea of class and thought I could abolish it by pretending it did n't exist .
22 I was paid by the dry weight and you can imagine how many bucketfuls I needed to scrape off the rocks to earn myself any return at all .
23 It opened almost at once and I was confronted by the old lady .
24 Tumbling blearily on deck in my pyjamas I was confronted by the huge bulk of a klondyke trawler ramming alongside us , and I was just in time to see her huge fender catch our motor dory and sink her where she was tied to our stern .
25 When the Incas controlled this area , I was told by The Rough Guide to Peru ( my chattier , more colourful back-up to the ‘ bible ’ ) , ‘ they considered the Uros so poor — almost sub-human — that only a section of hollow cane filled with lice was required from them as a monthly tribute . ’
26 However , only last year in discussions on the level of restructuring grants , I was told by the then Under-Secretary of State that that was ’ linked to expected redundancies .
27 I was hypnot-ized by the knowing way this eleven-year-old blurted out so unfeelingly a tragedy that had paralysed an entire family .
28 I was greeted by the friendly figure of Chairman , Bill Baker in the foyer and my anxiety abated .
29 I discovered the Messiah when I was sixteen years old and I was overwhelmed by the sheer beauty and grandeur of Handel 's enduring masterpiece .
30 I was intimidated by the whole idea of Cambridge .
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