Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] [adj] [adv] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Jonathan Ram was our ancestor , and I was sure then that the Worm fed off his hatred .
2 ‘ I thought I was satisfied then but the more you have the more you want .
3 In my elevated state I was afraid only that the cop might search us and discover the Dexedrine in Dana 's pocket .
4 Was it the towns which were poor rather than the townsmen ?
5 She had the manor and with it a great many pleasures which were negative perhaps but no less welcome for that .
6 The UCD [ Union of the Democratic Centre under the leadership of Adolfo Suárez ] government consented to things which were not totally justified but which were necessary so that the mass of the workers could see that the country had changed and that dialogue was beginning .
7 Each season , there was two week 's probation , which was unpaid even though the Labour Exchange considered such men employed and refused to pay them dole-money !
8 We talked about London and working in London , which was genial enough as the wine was poured , and then he put a spin on it .
9 the misleading price indication related to a recommended price , which did not apply to the price at which the item was available from the defendant , and which the defendant could reasonably believe was generally being charged , and which was false only because a supplier was not following the recommendation .
10 Later in the day she was busy again when the Intelligence Officer informed her that it had become necessary for a UDR soldier and his family to move from their present house .
11 She was big now and the child vigorous .
12 She was worried then that the attacker might strike again .
13 Then we were higher still and the earth curved away from us , showing a nimbus of atmosphere at its edge .
14 We were glad enough that the weather seemed set fair for the remainder of our voyage and next morning set off on the last few miles of our northerly course to round the utmost tip of Shetland .
15 If normal good sleepers are woken from Stage I sleep or Stage 2 sleep , and asked whether they were awake or asleep , they tend to report definitely feeling asleep only In Stage 2 sleep , " 2 although this is not necessarily true for poor sleepers , who may deny they were asleep even when the EEG traces show clear signs of Stage 2 sleep .
16 They were both very angry , but they were silent now because the shouting had stopped , leaving a sharpness , an uncertainty in the atmosphere that Frankie could almost taste on the tip of his tongue .
17 Many of them were possible only if the NILP got control of Stormont and were propaganda points in its ideological war against the doctrines of Orange and Green .
18 Disguising his real feelings he wrote cheerfully , telling them that it was better here than The Hague , as if to say that nothing could be worse than the hell of being unloved .
19 It was peaceful enough and the slate roofs shone in the soft , evening light , but it was still a hideous place , the oldest boy thought : ugly houses and black pit machinery and smooth cones of slag , meanly dark against the green mountain .
20 It was 5.30 A.M. and a new day had begun .
21 I knew it was 2.06 a.m. because the bedside clock told me so in orange digits big enough to divert aircraft if the curtains had been open .
22 It was logical enough that the Minister for the Army should be a soldier , General Varela ; but the choice of another military man , Colonel Juan Beigbeder y Atienza , rather than a diplomat , as Foreign Minister gives a revealing insight into how Franco thought foreign policy should be conducted .
23 It was bad enough that a National Front MEP should emerge as chairman of the delegation to the Swiss parliament ; worse still that one of Mr Schonhuber 's men should be vice-chairman of the delegation to Israel 's Knesset .
24 It was bad enough that the anniversary of my David 's death was only a few days away .
25 it was cold certainly but the sun shone .
26 It was darker here than the shop and there was a strong smell of polish .
27 When English merchants moved out into the world beyond Europe , it was natural enough that the Spice Islands became their ultimate objective .
28 But it was plain afterwards that the Israelis had not moved one tiny step closer to accepting the United Nations Commission of Enquiry into the Temple Mount killings last week .
29 There was a thermometer on the wall displaying the temperature , ensuring that it was constant so that the paintings were preserved correctly .
30 It was clear then that the staff would not only have to work extremely hard , and be at their most alert , they would also have to be unusually flexible .
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